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Collapse PB - Papers of Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett PB - Papers of Patrick Maynard Stuart Blackett
Expand 1 - Biographical and Personal1 - Biographical and Personal
Expand 2 - Particle Disintegration, Cosmic Rays, Astrophysics2 - Particle Disintegration, Cosmic Rays, Astrophysics
Collapse 3 - Magnetism3 - Magnetism
Expand 1 - Magnetic Spin and Rotating Bodies1 - Magnetic Spin and Rotating Bodies
Collapse 2 - Work on Rock Magnetism, Continental Drift and Magnetic Field Reversal2 - Work on Rock Magnetism, Continental Drift and Magnetic Field Reversal
Expand 1 - Working notes and data1 - Working notes and data
Collapse 2 - Work on Magnetic Field Reversal2 - Work on Magnetic Field Reversal
Expand 1 - Texts, drafts and corrections for Blackett's July 1967 paper1 - Texts, drafts and corrections for Blackett's July 1967 paper
Collapse 2 - Working papers on field reversal preceding July 1967 paper2 - Working papers on field reversal preceding July 1967 paper
Expand 1 - 'P.T.R.M' [Partial thermo-magentic remanent magnetism]1 - 'P.T.R.M' [Partial thermo-magentic remanent magnetism]
Expand 2 - 'R.P.T.R.M.  Paper with Havard and Lewis' [Reversed partial thermo-magnetic remanent magnetism]2 - 'R.P.T.R.M. Paper with Havard and Lewis' [Reversed partial thermo-magnetic remanent magnetism]
3 - 'Ade-Hall Electron Probe Paper'
4 - 'Mull. Dutt. Measurements'
5 - 'Mull A Mull B. Copy of Measurement Sheets'
Expand 6 - 'Mull Dyke and Baked Lavas A and B'6 - 'Mull Dyke and Baked Lavas A and B'
Expand 7 - 'Mull B'7 - 'Mull B'
8 - Small black notebook with Blackett's name inside front cover, with pages of notes numbered 1-12, with 3 unnumbered pages
Collapse 9 - 'Iceland.  Sigurgeirson'9 - 'Iceland. Sigurgeirson'
10 - 'Papers. Wilson Haggerty Watkins. Study of Single Lava'
Expand 11 - 'Iceland.  Post Glacial Lavas.  Haggerty.  Measured by PMB'11 - 'Iceland. Post Glacial Lavas. Haggerty. Measured by PMB'
12 - 'Iceland. Haggerty. Catalogue of samples. Results'
13 - 'Haggarty (sic) I R + N'
14 - 'Haggerty Series 2. R + N. Tertiary?'
15 - 'Iceland. Haggerty. Series 3. Tertiary R and N'
16 - 'Columbia River Basalts'
17 - 'Steens Mountain'
18 - 'Roche'
19 - 'Asami results. July '64'
20 - 'Hawaii. Doell. all N'
21 - 'Hawaii. Kauai. Measurements'
22 - 'Hawaii. Tarling 1 and 2'
23 - 'Tarling. Hawaii results'
24 - 'Sani Pass. Maseru. Stormberg Lavas. Results November 1964'
25 - 'Deccan Lavas. List of specimens. Heating and cooling curves'
26 - 'India. Mahabaleshwar (M series) 1966'
27 - 'Kinghorn'
28 - Blue Imperial College notebook, kept by G Haigh, experiments on thermal magnetisation.
29 - Blue notebook of colour photographs and diagrams of rocks analysed in July 1967 paper (with notes and descriptions by JL Langbein
Expand 3 - Notes and material on sites and samples collected but not used for July 1967 paper3 - Notes and material on sites and samples collected but not used for July 1967 paper
Expand 4 - Notes and material intended as extension of 1967 paper4 - Notes and material intended as extension of 1967 paper
Expand 5 - Reworking of data, with special reference to the 'oxidation controversy'5 - Reworking of data, with special reference to the 'oxidation controversy'
Expand 3 - Lectures and papers on rock magnetism3 - Lectures and papers on rock magnetism
Expand 4 - Correspondence on Rock Magnetism4 - Correspondence on Rock Magnetism
Expand 3 - Work on High Temperature Plasmas, Controlled Fusion Reaction and Pinched Discharges3 - Work on High Temperature Plasmas, Controlled Fusion Reaction and Pinched Discharges
Expand 4 - Second World War and Government Committees4 - Second World War and Government Committees
Expand 5 - Political Activities5 - Political Activities
Expand 6 - Science-Related Interests6 - Science-Related Interests
Expand 7 - Overseas Activities7 - Overseas Activities
Expand 8 - Lectures, Publications, Addresses, Broadcasts8 - Lectures, Publications, Addresses, Broadcasts
Expand 9 - Correspondence9 - Correspondence
10 - Appointment diaries
Expand 11 - Correspondence with Professor Nishina11 - Correspondence with Professor Nishina
Expand 12 - Newscuttings12 - Newscuttings

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