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Collapse PT - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical TransactionsPT - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions
Expand 1 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18071 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1807
Collapse 2 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18082 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1808
1 - Paper, 'On some new phaenomena of chemical changes produced by electricity, particularly, the decomposition of the fixed alkalies and the exhibition of the new substances which constitute their bases and on the nature of ammonia' by Humphry Davy
2 - Paper, 'On the structure and uses of the spleen' by Everard Home
Collapse 3 - Paper, 'On the composition of the compound sulphuret from Huel Boys, and an account of its crystals' by James Smithson3 - Paper, 'On the composition of the compound sulphuret from Huel Boys, and an account of its crystals' by James Smithson
4 - Paper, 'On oxalic acid' by Thomas Thomson
5 - Paper, 'On super-acid and sub-acid salts' by Wm [William] H [Hyde] Wollaston
6 - Paper, 'On the inconvertibility of bark into alburnum' by Thomas Andrew Knight in a letter to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks
7 - Paper, 'Some account of cretinism' by Henry Reeve
8 - Paper, 'On a new property of the tangents of the three angles of a plane triangle' by Mr William Garrard
Expand 9 - Paper, 'An account of Mr [Joseph] Finney's method of compensating for the effects of heat and cold on the length of pendulums' by S [Stephen] P [Peter] Rigaud9 - Paper, 'An account of Mr [Joseph] Finney's method of compensating for the effects of heat and cold on the length of pendulums' by S [Stephen] P [Peter] Rigaud
10 - Paper, 'An account of the application of the gas from coal to economical purposes' by William Murdoch
11 - Paper, 'Further experiments on the spleen' by Everard Home
Expand 12 - Paper, 'Observations of a comet made with a view to investigate its magnitude and the nature of its illumination. To which is added an account of a new irregularity lately perceived in the apparent figure of the planet Saturn' by William Herschel12 - Paper, 'Observations of a comet made with a view to investigate its magnitude and the nature of its illumination. To which is added an account of a new irregularity lately perceived in the apparent figure of the planet Saturn' by William Herschel
13 - Paper, 'Hydraulic investigations, subservient to an intended Croonian Lecture on the motion of the blood' by Thomas Young
Expand 14 - Paper, 'On the alterations that have taken place in the structure of rocks, on the surface of the basaltic country in the counties of Derry and Antrim' from William Richardson to Humphry Davy14 - Paper, 'On the alterations that have taken place in the structure of rocks, on the surface of the basaltic country in the counties of Derry and Antrim' from William Richardson to Humphry Davy
15 - Paper, 'On the differences in the structure of calculi, which arise from their being formed in different parts of the urinary passages, and on the effects that are produced upon them, by the internal use of solvent medicines' by Mr W [William Thomas] Brande in a letter to Everard Home
16 - Paper, 'Some observations on Mr [William Thomas] Brande's paper on calculi' by Evd [Everard] Home
Expand 17 - Paper, 'On the changes produced in atmospheric air, and oxygen gas by respiration' by W [William] Allen and W H [William Hasledine] Pepys17 - Paper, 'On the changes produced in atmospheric air, and oxygen gas by respiration' by W [William] Allen and W H [William Hasledine] Pepys
Expand 18 - Paper, ['Description of an apparatus for the analysis of the compound inflammable gases by slow combustion; with experiments on the gas from coal, explaining application'] by William Henry18 - Paper, ['Description of an apparatus for the analysis of the compound inflammable gases by slow combustion; with experiments on the gas from coal, explaining application'] by William Henry
Expand 19 - Paper, 'An account of some peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the wombat, with observations on the female organs of generation' by Everard Home19 - Paper, 'An account of some peculiarities in the anatomical structure of the wombat, with observations on the female organs of generation' by Everard Home
20 - Portion of paper, 'Observations on the stomachs, which have been described' by Everard Home
21 - Paper, 'On the origin and office of the alburnum of trees' in a letter from T A [Thomas Andrew] Knight to Sir Jos [Joseph] Banks
22 - Paper, 'Eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter observed by John Goldingham Esq and under his superintendence at Madras [Chennai] in the East Indies' by John Goldingham
23 - Paper, 'Electrochemical reserches [sic] on the decomposition of the earths, with observations on the metal obtained from the alkaline earth, and on the amalgam procured from ammonia' by Humphry Davy
24 - Paper, 'Phil [Philosophical] Trans [Transactions] 1809, portion of Davy's paper' by Humphry Davy
Expand 3 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18093 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1809
Expand 4 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18104 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1810
Expand 5 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18115 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1811
Expand 6 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18126 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1812
Expand 7 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18137 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1813
Expand 8 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18148 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1814
Expand 9 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 18159 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1815
Expand 10 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 181610 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1816
Expand 11 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 181711 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1817
Expand 12 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 181812 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1818
Expand 13 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 181913 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1819
Expand 14 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 182014 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1820
Expand 15 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 182115 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1821
Expand 16 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 182316 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1823
Expand 17 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 182417 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1824
Expand 18 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1825-182818 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1825-1828
Expand 19 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1830-183119 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1830-1831
Expand 20 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 183220 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1832
Expand 21 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 183321 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1833
Expand 22 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1836-183922 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1836-1839
Expand 23 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184023 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1840
Expand 24 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184024 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1840
Expand 25 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184125 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1841
Expand 26 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184226 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1842
Expand 27 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184327 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1843
Expand 28 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184428 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1844
Expand 29 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184529 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1845
Expand 30 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184630 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1846
Expand 31 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184631 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1846
Expand 32 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184732 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1847
Expand 33 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184733 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1847
Expand 34 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184834 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1848
Expand 35 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 184935 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1849
Expand 36 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1849 36 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1849
Expand 37 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185037 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1850
Expand 38 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185038 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1850
Expand 39 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185039 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1850
Expand 40 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185140 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1851
Expand 41 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185141 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1851
Expand 42 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1851 42 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1851
Expand 43 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185243 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1852
Expand 44 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185244 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1852
Expand 45 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1852 45 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1852
Expand 46 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185346 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1853
Expand 47 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1853 47 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1853
Expand 48 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185448 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1854
Expand 49 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1854 49 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1854
Expand 50 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185550 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1855
Expand 51 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185551 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1855
Expand 52 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185652 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1856
Expand 53 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185653 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1856
Expand 54 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1856 54 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1856
Expand 55 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185655 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1856
Expand 56 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185756 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1857
Expand 57 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185757 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1857
Expand 58 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185758 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1857
Expand 59 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 185759 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1857
Expand 60 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186060 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1860
Expand 61 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186061 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1860
Expand 62 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186162 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1861
Expand 63 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186163 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1861
Expand 64 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186264 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1862
Expand 65 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186265 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1862
Expand 66 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186266 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1862
Expand 67 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186267 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1862
Expand 68 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186368 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1863
Expand 69 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186369 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1863
Expand 70 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186470 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1864
Expand 71 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186571 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1865
Expand 72 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 186572 - Manuscripts of papers published in Philosophical Transactions, 1865
Expand 73 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1807-183373 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1807-1833
Expand 74 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1834-184074 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1834-1840
Expand 75 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1840-185975 - Illustrations produced for the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 1840-1859

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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