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Collapse RMM - Papers and correspondence of Robert McCredie May PRS, Baron May of Oxford, physicist and ecologistRMM - Papers and correspondence of Robert McCredie May PRS, Baron May of Oxford, physicist and ecologist
1 - Zoological Society papers
2 - Article on modern vaccines from the Lancet
3 - Article and papers on Parasite-host coevolution
4 - Papers on the Spenser Lecture: 'The Modern Biologist's View of Nature'
5 - Miscellaneous Oxford papers/ Documents for the British Consulate
6 - Article and papers on antigenic diversity for Science Magazine
7 - Book review of "Thinking Aids" for American Scientist
8 - Chapter for 'Current Topics in Aids, Volume 2': 'Heterogeneities, cofactors, and other aspects of the transmission dynamics of aids'
9 - Biodiversity papers
10 - Biodiversity papers: 'Research and publication trends in systematic zoology' by Hans-Reiner Simon
11 - Biodiversity papers: conference on 'Regulation and relative abundance of plant and animal populations'
12 - Article and papers for 'Understanding the AIDS pandemic' appearing in Scientific American
13 - Letter to Science about Peter Taylor's interpretation of 'Stability and complexity in model ecosystems'
14 - Papers and press clips concerning the sequencing of the human genome
15 - Papers concerning the Celera human genome assembly and public access to database resources
16 - Article for the Times Higher Education Supplement: 'Of scale and separation'
17 - Papers from the chapter 'Assessing Extinction Rates' from 'Extinction Rates'
18 - Papers from the Gibbs Lecture for the American Mathematical Society: 'Necessity and change: deterministic chaos in ecology and evolution'
19 - Paper and notes on 'Spatial chaos and its role in ecology and evolution' for Lecture Notes in Biomathematics
20 - Paper and notes on 'Cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and viral turnover in HIV-1 infection'
21 - Papers concerning BSE (Bovine spongiform encephalopathy)
22 - Paper and notes on 'Prion infection dynamics' appearing in 'Integrative Biology'
23 - Papers on ivory production and African elephant populations
24 - Chapter and notes for 'Current topics in AIDS: volume 2'
25 - Paper on 'Implications of an antigenic diversity threshold on the development of immunodeficiency following HIV-1 infection'
26 - Article and notes on 'Principles of population dynamics' for 'Grzimek encyclopedia'
27 - Essay on 'Systematics' for the 'Academic press dictionary of science'
28 - Speech entitled 'A biologist's view to the future' for the Foundation for Science and Technology
29 - Paper and notes 'Ecological aspects of the geographic distribution and diversity of mammal species' for the American Naturalist
30 - Speech on 'Levels of organisation in ecological systems' delivered to the Ciba Foundation Symposium
31 - Review of E.O. Wilson's 'Consilience' for Scientific American
32 - Article on 'Understanding diversity in the natural world and in higher education' for the BES Bulletin
33 - Paper and notes on 'Simple rules with complex dynamics' for Science
34 - Paper on 'The role of antigen-independent persistence of memory CTL' for International Immunology
35 - Paper and notes on 'A method for identifying nonlinearity and deterministic chaos in time-series data' for Proceedings: Biological Sciences
36 - Paper on 'Mortality and recruitment rate evaluations in heterogeneous tropical forests' for the Journal of Ecology
37 - Reply to Saul's paper on 'Genetic heterogeneity in helminths' in Parasitology
38 - Paper on 'Viral dynamic in vivo' for the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
39 - Paper and notes on 'Anti-viral drug treatment: dynamics of resistance in free virus and infected cell populations'
40 - Paper and notes on 'The maintenance of strain structure in populations of recombining infectious agents' for Nature Medicine
41 - Paper and notes on 'Coinfection and superinfection in RNA virus populations' for Mathematical Sciences'
42 - Paper and notes on 'Superinfection, metapopulation dynamics, and the evolution of diversity' for the Journal of Theoretical Biology
43 - Papers relating to the Red Grouse population dynamics workshop
44 - Paper and notes on 'Evolutionary games and spatial chaos' for Nature
45 - Paper and notes on 'The spatial dilemmas of evolution'
46 - Paper and notes on 'The potential of community-wide chemotherapy or immunotherapy to control the spread of HIV-1' for Nature
47 - Book chapter entitled 'The global pandemic of aids: the role of mathematical models in the interpretation of patterns of infection and disease'
48 - Notes and papers on 'Biodiversity: the UK dimension' for seminar on the UK National Action Plan for Biodiversity
49 - Lecture and notes on 'The effects of broadband communications on society' for the Alcatel Communication Lecture
50 - Paper and notes on 'Phylogenies without fossils'
51 - Briefings on biotechnology
52 - Papers relating to GM foods from the Office of Science & Technology
53 - Notes and briefings on GM food for the Office of Science and Technology

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