Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse ROR - Collected papers of Robert RobinsonROR - Collected papers of Robert Robinson
Expand 1 - Biographical and autobiographical material about Robert Robinson1 - Biographical and autobiographical material about Robert Robinson
Collapse 2 - Robert Robinson's scientific research papers2 - Robert Robinson's scientific research papers
Collapse 1 - Notes, drafts and correspondence1 - Notes, drafts and correspondence
Expand 1 - Scientific research on aliphatic acids1 - Scientific research on aliphatic acids
Expand 2 - Scientific research on alkaloids2 - Scientific research on alkaloids
Expand 3 - Scientific research on amino acids3 - Scientific research on amino acids
4 - Papers on Anglo-Iranian scientific research
Expand 5 - Scientific research on anthocyanidins5 - Scientific research on anthocyanidins
Expand 6 - Scientific research on anthocyanins6 - Scientific research on anthocyanins
7 - Scientific research on bentanin
Expand 8 - Scientific research on biosynthesis and biogenesis8 - Scientific research on biosynthesis and biogenesis
9 - Scientific research on brazilin and haematoxylin
Expand 10 - Work with the British dyestuffs Corporation Ltd, Huddersfield10 - Work with the British dyestuffs Corporation Ltd, Huddersfield
11 - Work with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)
Expand 12 - Work with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Dyestuffs Group research committee12 - Work with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Dyestuffs Group research committee
Collapse 13 - Work with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Dyestuffs Group Medicinal Products Panel 13 - Work with Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) Dyestuffs Group Medicinal Products Panel
Expand 14 - Papers relating to the origins of petroleum14 - Papers relating to the origins of petroleum
Expand 15 - Scientific research on penicillin15 - Scientific research on penicillin
Expand 16 - Work with Shell Chemical Company Ltd16 - Work with Shell Chemical Company Ltd
Expand 17 - Scientific research on steroids and synthetic oestrogens17 - Scientific research on steroids and synthetic oestrogens
Expand 18 - Papers relating to theoretical chemistry18 - Papers relating to theoretical chemistry
Expand 2 - Miscellaneous notes and notebooks2 - Miscellaneous notes and notebooks
Expand 3 - Theses and reports3 - Theses and reports
Expand 3 - Robert Robinson's lectures and publications3 - Robert Robinson's lectures and publications
Expand 4 - Correspondence with Robert Robinson4 - Correspondence with Robert Robinson
Expand 5 - Robinson Papers - non-print items5 - Robinson Papers - non-print items

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
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