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Collapse ROR - Collected papers of Robert RobinsonROR - Collected papers of Robert Robinson
Expand 1 - Biographical and autobiographical material about Robert Robinson1 - Biographical and autobiographical material about Robert Robinson
Collapse 2 - Robert Robinson's scientific research papers2 - Robert Robinson's scientific research papers
Expand 1 - Notes, drafts and correspondence1 - Notes, drafts and correspondence
Expand 2 - Miscellaneous notes and notebooks2 - Miscellaneous notes and notebooks
Collapse 3 - Theses and reports3 - Theses and reports
Collapse 1 - Signed reports on theses sent to Robinson1 - Signed reports on theses sent to Robinson
1 - Signed reports from K Aghoramurthy
2 - 'Preparation of Dibromaleic Acid' by A D Ainley
3 - 'Preparation of Methyl Glyoxal' by Kenneth Frankland Armstrong
4 - 'Quindoline Derivatives' by R Ashton
5 - 'Electron Drift Phenomena' by Baddiley
6 - 'Methylene Sulphate' by Wilson Baker
7 - 'Unsaturated Azlactones' by E Baltazzi
8 - 'Nitration of Phenylethyl-piperidine' by Mark Barent
9 - 'Preparation of Nitrosophenol' by Oscar Baudisch
10 - 'Report to 4 Sept. 1943' by George F Beattie
11 - 'Work done to March 1936' by J G Bedford
12 - Thesis on B-methoxynaphthalene and B-tetralone by C T Beer
13 - Reports on Thebaine by Kenneth W Bentley
14 - 'Preparation of Methyltropinone' by Bertie Kennedy Blount
15 - Reports on aromadendrin and coumarin compunds by A C Bottomley
16 - Reports on benzoic acids by William Bradley
17 - Reports on molecular volume by William Bradley
18 - 'Action of 6-methyl adrenaline' by Joshua Harold Burn
19 - Unpublished work by R S [Robert Sidney] Cahn
20 - Reports on methyl carbolines by Geoffrey G Coker
21 - Correspondence with John Cooke
22 - 'Fungicidal constituent of bracken' by Maurice Copisarow
23 - Reports from John Warcup Cornforth and Rita Harradence Cornforth
24 - 'The chemistry of quinamine' by C C J Culvenor
25 - 'Reduction of cholestenone acetate' by William G Dauben
26 - Report on paludrine by D G Davey
27 - Reports on antimalarials and pencillin by Michael James Steuart Dewar
28 - Report on tubercle bacilli by Rene J Dubos
29 - 'The Cleavage of Ergosteryl Ethers' by S R Duff
30 - 'The molecular structure of barbaloin' by S R Duff and Robert Robinson
31 - 'Chemistry of pyridine oxide' by C A Finch
32 - Report on dehydration by B Franck et al
33 - Paper on leucine by R H Freak
34 - Various reports by Charles A Friedmann
35 - Work by K N Gaind
36 - 'On therapeutic effect of a compound' by J Ge
37 - Drafts relating to work on polypeptides by Leonard J Goldsworthy
38 - Notes on synthesis of peptides by Leonard J Goldworthy
39 - 'Methods for the production of indole and skatole' by Rita Harradence
40 - 'Ethylene sulphide and related compounds' by J T Hays
41 - 'Report of experimental work Jan 1945 - August 1946' by H T Huang
42 - Reports on stilboestrol by R L Huang
43 - Reports on the 'morphine-thebaine series' and 'partial synthesis of progesterone' by B J F Hudson
44 - Reports by Irvine
45 - Notebook belonging to V V S Iyer
46 - Loose notes by V V S Iyer
47 - Loose notes by V V S Iyer
48 - Notebook belonging to V V S Iyer
49 - Notebook belonging to V V S Iyer
50 - Reports by Renee H Jaeger
51 - Report on Thiazolidines by Alec B A Jansen
52 - Report on alanine polymer by G Jenkins
53 - Correspondence with K F Jennings
54 - Report on melanines by Z E Jolles
55 - 'On the structure of citranin' by G A Jones
56 - 'The aromatic sextet' by A R Katritsky
57 - 'Synthesis of analogues of psoralene' by Kurt D Kaufman
58 - Reports by Frederick Ernest King
59 - 'Synthetical studies in the Alicyclic group' by Perthu V Laakso
60 - Reports by Max Lamchen
61 - 'Protection of active groups' by John F W McOmie
62 - Report on work carried out by Jacques Malan
63 - Reports by Octavio Mancera
64 - 'The Helicenes' by Richard Henri Martin
65 - 'A factor in inhibiting growth of mesenchyme' by Peter Brian Medawar
66 - Reports by A B Meggy
67 - Reports by Rafat Mirza
68 - Thesis, 'Reduction of heterocyclic compounds' by Rafat Mirza
69 - Draft chapters by Francis Morsingh
70 - Thesis, 'Experiments on the synthesis of Trimethylbrazilin' by Francis Morsingh
71 - 'Constitution of herbacitirin' by K Neelakantam and Tiruvenkata Rajendra Seshadri
72 - Reports by A R [Reginald] Pinder
73 - Thesis on Methylcyclohexanes, and discorine by A R [Reginald] Pinder
74 - 'Attempts to find a new process for the production of flavanthrone' by J C Porter
75 - Report on triazoles by Kevin Thomas Potts
76 - Reports on various compounds by Price
77 - 'Preparation of synthetic malvin chloride' by J C L Resuggan
78 - Results of analyses, mainly of alkaloids by T M Reynolds
79 - Report on corticosterone compounds by E Seijo
80 - 'Potential use of hydrogen fluoride in organic chemical processes' by J H Simons
81 - Report on the preparation of a compound 'by the method recommended by C A Friedmann' by H Smith
82 - Report on biosynthesis of shikimic acid by David B Sprinson
83 - Report by G S R Subba Rao
84 - Various reports by S Sugasawa
85 - Analyses of asperubin and auroglaucin specimens by Baron Alexander Robertus Todd
86 - Thesis, 'Derivatives of heterocyclic compounds' by H P Vandrewala
87 - Experimental results on aminopiperonal and pseudopelletierine by E Waldron
88 - Various reports by S G Waley
89 - 'Oxidation mechanisms in relation to carcinogenetic activity' by W A Waters
90 - On thiamine pyrophosphate by K Weisner
91 - Reports by G Wilke
92 - Various analyses by J P Wilson
93 - Report by Karl Ziegler
Expand 2 - Unsigned or unidentified reports2 - Unsigned or unidentified reports
3 - Lists of theses and research students at the Dyson Perrins Laboratory
Expand 3 - Robert Robinson's lectures and publications3 - Robert Robinson's lectures and publications
Expand 4 - Correspondence with Robert Robinson4 - Correspondence with Robert Robinson
Expand 5 - Robinson Papers - non-print items5 - Robinson Papers - non-print items

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