Description | Canister is labelled 'From the Royal Society. BCINA: to be collected'. The footage was likely used to compile a clip for the British and Commonwealth International Newsfilm Agency.
16mm film Colour Mute
0.00. Scientist wading in river/ pool. Entering a cave. 0.50. Scientist scrambling down rock face. 1.31. Fire. Ants. 1.50. Samples of worms. 2.10. Local people walking through the forest. 2.20. The ship. 3.14. Wading. 3.40. Local people swinging from a tree on the shore and dropping into the water. 4.14. Scientist with a microscope, carrying out field work. 5.10. The base camp in the rain. A raised platform with broad leaves woven to serve as a roof. 5.50. Women and girls dancing in grass skirts and floral headbands. 8.30. A stormy sea. 9.1.5 Children gathered, likely at San Cristobal, Wainoni Mission. 10.00. Local homes (?). (Footage is dark). 10.15. A captured lizard. Collected insects. 10.40. Locals walk through the forest. 10.40. Insect samples in a net. 11.18. A small rowing boat with scientists within. 11.40. Sampling from the shallows of the ocean. 12.00. Coral, the shallows. 13:00. Sampling from the shallows. Local men lay a cane grid over the water. 14:20. Small fish in shallow water, the small boat and the ship. 14:40. Local man on the ship wielding a shield and spear while crouching. 15:00. A microscope on the ship, a scientist with a silt sample. 15:18. A scientist snorkeling. 16:20. A scientist working with local men in the shallows, examining samples and taking notes. 17:13. On ship. A sample from the water in a clear plastic bag. 19:00. Rough seas. 19:50. A building, a jeep. 20:00. A young local man smoking a pipe. 20:15. Local people trek through the forest carrying equipment. 20:30. Local people gather at a village. 21:20. Local people cross the river.
21 min 52. |