Illustrated three volume work by John Gould FRS, 1863
Papers, letters, and notebooks of Robert Boyle FRS (1627–1691), one of the founders of modern chemistry
Scientific letters sent to the Royal Society 1660-1740
Scientific papers and correspondence of Howard Florey FRS (1898-1968), known for his work on penicillin and antibiotics.
Papers presented at meetings of Fellows (classified according to scientific area) 1660-1741
Observations on the volcanos of the two Sicilies with plates from drawings by William Hamilton, 1776
Papers relating to pioneering the nutritionists Elsie Widdowson FRS (1906-2000) and Robert McCance FRS (1898-1993)
Peer review reports on scientific papers submitted to the Royal Society for publication from 1832 onwards
A volume of 18th century botanical watercolour paintings
Pioneering photographic publication by Anna Atkins, 1843
Copies of outgoing letters from officials of the Royal Society 1885-1931
Papers on the space research of Colin Pillinger FRS (1943-2014), chiefly concerning early lunar samples
The mammals of Australia