Description | Agenda
1. Minutes [Enclosure A]
2. Vice-Presidents
3. Arising from Previous Minutes 3a Minute 14 of 15 June 1939 3b Minute 18 of 13 June 1946 [Enclosure B] 3c Minute 8 of 7 November 1946 [Enclosure C] 3d Minute 3 of 30 November 1946 [Enclosure D] 3e Minute 14 of 30 November 1946 [Enclosure E]
4. Croonian and Bakerian Lectures [Enclosure F]
5. Committees and Boards 5a To consider the appointment of Joint Committees and Government Grant Boards for the ensuing year. A list of retirements from and proposed Boards is circulated herewith [Enclosure G] 5b A list of changes in the membershi of th Sectional and Standing Committees made by the previous Council is also enclosed. [Enclosure H] 5c To fix dates for meetings of thre Government Grant Boards and the Scientific Publications Board in 1947 5d To arrange for attendance by approporiate members of Council at the meetings of the Government Grant Boards in 1947
6. Representation on Outside Bodies 6a Royal Veterinary College 6b Hatfield Memorial Lectureship Committee
7. Travelling Expenses 7a Dr J C Burkill, submitted through Professor W V D Hodge 7b Dr C D Darlington, on behalf of Dr G H Beale
8. Scientific Investigation s Grant - in - Aid
9. International Union of Geography
10. Items of Agenda drawn up in the Form of Minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any bjectin as to Form or Principle is raised at the meeting 10a Portraits by kneller Permission was granted to Lord Killanin to reproduce ini his book on Godfrey Kneller the portraits painted by that artis of John Evelyn, Christopher Wren, Samuel Pepys, John Locke and Robert Southwell and now in the possession of the Royal Society, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made. 10b Bills for payment
11. Reports of Committees and Boards (i) Finance Committee (ii) Scientific Publications Board [Enclosure I]
12. Other Business |