Description | Agenda
1. Minutes [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths To report the death of Thomas Henry Holland on 15 May and of Frederick Gowland Hopkins on 16 May 1947
3. Arising from previous Minutes 3a Minute 15 of 15 May 1947 3b Minute 22 of 16 May 1947
4. Medals [Enclosure B]
5. Meetings 1948 [Enclosure C]
6. Anniversary Dinner
7. Freshwater Biological Association
8. Eddington Memorial Lectureship Fund
9. Woolsthorpe Manor
10. Travelling Expenses To consider the folowing applicatins from (a) Professor F A E Crow (b) The London Mathematical Society submitted through Professor G Temple Both applications received too late for inclusion in the recommendations fo the Travelling Expenses Committee in agendum ii(iii) below.
11. Reports of Committees and Boards (i) Biological Expeditions Committee (ii) Scientific Relief committee (iii) Travelling Expenses Committee [Enclosure F] (iv) Advisory Committee on Airborne Research Facilities (v) Smithson Research Fund Committee (vi) Government Grant Boards The report of the Boards is circulated herewith [Enclosure H] A copy of the applictions received is also sent {wnclosure I]
12. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of Minutes which will become minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the Meeting i. Obituary Notice ii Newton Letters Subcommittee iii Obituary Notice iv UNESCO v Advisory Committee on Airborne Research vi Newstead Gift Reported that the following books had been presented to the library by Mrs NEwestead, widow of the late Profesor R Newstead Guide to the Study of Tsetse-flies A monograph of the British Coccidae (2 volumes) Zoology. Various Papers. Vols i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii Archaeology Roman Chester, etc Vols IX, X, XI Archaeology 2 packages unbound Resolved - That the thanks of Council be accorded to Mrs Newstead for her gift. vii Bills for payment
13. Other Business |