Description | Agenda:
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 1947 to be confirmed. [Enclosure A] Printed copies of the minutes of the meeting held on 1 December 1947, previously circulated in typescript, are also sent herewith. [Enclosure B]
2. Deaths To report the death of Lord Rayleigh on 13 December, of Earl Baldwin of Bewdley on 14 December, of Alfred North Whitehead on 30 December 1947 and of Edward Charles Cyril Baly on 3 January 1948.
3. Arising fromprevious minutes 3a Minutes 26 (vi) of 13 February and 23 (23 (vi) of 12 June 1947 3b Minute 14 (b) of 6 November 1947 3c Minutes 17(iv) of 1 December and 7 of 11 December 1947 3d Minute 4 of 11 December 1947 3e Minute 11 of 11 December 1947
4. Candidates for the Fellowship
5. Seventh Pacific Science Conference
6. Importation of Scientific Literature [Enclosure I]
7. Publications Committee
8. Geography National Committee
9. Liverpool University Court
10. Royal Veterinary Collete
11. Reports of Committees 11.i Finance Com ittee [Enclosure J] 11.ii Scientific Relief Committee 11.iii Scientific Information Services Committee 11.iv National Committee for Astronomy 11.v National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics [Enclosure M] National Committee for Physics
12. Sealing
13. Bills for Payment
14. Other Business |