Description | Colour photography of Society's rooms. The President to report that, under authority of minute 25 of 8 July 1948, he had provisionally granted permission to 'Life Magazine' to take coloured photographs of the Council in session, the library, the meeting room and other rooms and also various objects of historic interest in the Society's possession such as the mace, Charter Book, the manuscript of Newton's Principia and various oil paintings.
1. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 1948 to be confirmed. [Enclosure A]
2. Deaths
3. Arising from Previous minutes 3a Minute 3 of 9 October 1947 3b Minute 8 of 4 March 1948 [Enclosure B] 3c Minute 21 of 8 April 1948 [Enclosure C] 3d Minute 8 of 8 July 1948 [Enclosure D] 3e Minute 9 of 8 July 1948 3f Minute 12 of 8 July 1948 3g Minute 24 (vi) of 8 July 1948
4. New Council
5. Sectional and Standing Committees [Enclosure E]
6. Report of Council [Enclosure F]
7. Royal Academy of Sciences, Madrid
8. Polish Academy of Sciences
9. Radioactive Substances Act. [Enclosure G]
10. GABB Bequest [bequest by Mr G H Gabb of £1000 for foundation of an annual Leuwenhoek Lecture] [Enclosure H]
11. World Power Conference [Enclosure I]
12. Jungfraujoch Research Station [Enclosure J]
13. Reports of Committees i. Gassiot Committee ii. Head Bequest Committee iii. Medical Research Committee iv Scientific Relief Committee v. Smithson Research Fund Committee vi. Sorby Research Fund Committee vii Warren Research Fund Committee [Enclosure K] viii National Committee for Chemistry [Enclosure L]
14. Treasurer's Business
15. Sealing
16. Brown Request
17. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes which will become minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. a. Lister Meda b. Newton and Flamsteed Portraits c. Thomson Portrait d. Newton photographs e. Czech Academy of Arts and Sciences f. Honorary Librarian g. Scientific Investigations Gran-iin-aid h. International Geological Congress i. Lord Bledisloe's Reports j. Sealing k Bills for payment
18. Pascal Tercentenary |