Description | Agenda 1. Minutes Minutes of the meeting held on 7 October 1948 to be confirmed [Enclosure A]
2. Dearhs
3. Arising from previous minutes
4. Langevin-Perrin Memorial Ceremony
5. Lecture bvy Professor Habs Pettersson on the 'Albatross' Cruise
6. University College Hull
7. Aauditors
8. Knowles Bequest
9. Reports of Committees and Boards i. Government Grant Boards [Enclosures E and F] ii. Gassiot Committee iii. Library Committee iv. Tercentenary Sub-committee [Enclosure H] v. Mathematical Tables Committee [Enclosure I] vi. Medical Research Committee vii. Rutherford Memorial Committee viii. Scientific Releief Committee ix. Soiree Committee x. Warren Research Fund Committee xi. National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics [Enclosure J] xii. British Committee for Co-operation with UNESCO in the NaTURAL sCIENCES [eNCLOSURE k]
10. Sealing
11. Items of Agenda drawn up in the form of minutes which will become Minutes of Council unless any objection as to form or principle is raised at the meeting. i. War Emergency Powers ii. Scientific I@nformation Committee iii. Pascal Tercentenary iv. Foulerton Professorship v. Import duties vi. Bonnet Miniature Reported the gift by Mr G D Hornblower of a miniature of Charles Bonnet (FRS 1743) enammelled on copper by Georgews of Geneva Resolved - That the thanks of the Society be returned to Mr Hornblower for his gift. vii. De Saussure Certificates Permission was granted to Professor G R de Beer to quote from the certificate of candidature of Horace Benedict de Saussure (FRS 1788) in connexion with an article he was writing, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made upon publication viii. Archives a. Permisison was granted to Dr H C Cameron to have access to manuscripts and printed material in the possesion of the Society for the purposes of his forthcoming 'Life of Sir Joseph Banks', subject to the usual acknowledgments being made upon publication b. Permisison was granted to Mr W Hunt to reproduce in his forthcoming 'History fo Botanical Illustration' the water colour paiinting of cornflower and knapweed by Richard Waller in the archives of the Society, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made upon publication Permission was granted to Dr E Engel to copy certain documents relating to the Comte de TRessan in the archives of the Society, subject to the usual acknowledgments being made upon publication ix. Bills for payment
12. Other Business |