Description | Signed DC Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Deaths (John Christopher Willis, James Swinburne)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Post-doctoral research fellowships from UK to US, invitation from National Academy of Sciences, Washington b) Grant application from Professor DMS Watson c) Grant application from Professor AV Hill d) Arrangements for conversazione, centenary of Darwin-Wallace papers e) Representative of the Royal Society to Atomic Energy Authorities conference on peaceful uses of atomic energy f) Report of Committee on policy in connection with international relations in the history and philosophy of science g) Consideration of candidates for Fellowship h) Staff advances for purchase of house i) USSR Academy of Sciences agrees to proposed increase in the number of lecturers for scientist exchange scheme (USSR and UK) j) Candidates for Foreign Membership considered, names listed k) Amendment of Statute 14
4) Travelling expenses
5) Financial responsibility for scientific research in universities
6) Representative from the Society to the Federal Legislature of the West Indies [Caribbean]
7) Laying foundation stone of Australian Academy of Science
8) Representative from the Society to the Societe de Chimie Physique
9) Representative from the Society to the Fairchild lecture
10) Representative from the Society to the British Society for the Promotion of Vegetable Research
11) Representative from the Society to the British Union-Catalogue of Periodicals
12) Reports of Committees i) Scientific Publications Board ad hoc Committee ii) Browne Research Fund Committee iii) Mathematical Tables Committee iv) Medical Sciences Research Committee v) John Murray Travelling Studentship Committee vi) Pacific Science Committee vii) Rutherford Memorial Committee viii) Scientific information Conference (USA 1958) Committee ix) Scientific Relief Committee x) South Pacific Expedition Committee xi) Tecentenary Celebrations Committee xii) Armourers and Brasiers' Company Research Fellowship Committee xiii) Committee on Scientific Research in Schools xiv) National Committee for Biochemistry xv) National Committee for Geography xvi) National Committee for the International Geophysical Year xvii) National Committee for Mathematics xviii) National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mathematics
13) Sealing
14) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes: a) International Geophysical Year Antarctic Conference grant paid b) Crystallography National Committee representative c) International Council of Scientific Unions delegates d) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid e) Scientific Publications Grant-in-Aid f) Willen Church donation (Robert Hooke was the architect) g) Panetti Prize nomination h) Annual Contribution payable by a Fellow i) Admission of new Fellows, time extended j) Sealing
15) Bills for payment |