Description | Signed DC Martin (assistant secretary)
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Death (Cecil Henry Desch)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) payment of urgent expenses b) consider letter about the reorganization of the United Kingdom National Commission for UNESCO and specialist science panels c) grant towards expenses for 13th General Assembly of the International Union of Scientific Radio (UK, 1960) d) consider revised regulations of the Scientific Relief Fund e) representative of Royal Society to attend scientific congress at the University of Malaya f) report of the Antarctic Research Committee and subscription to Special Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) g) names for medals to be proposed and seconded. Includes lists of proposed names h) Jaffe fund grant to Mrs CE Work i) Jaffe Donation Studentship grant (Dr EA Magnusson)
4) Discussion meetings. Subjects considered
5) Special lectures. Subjects considered
6) Travelling expenses
7) Royal Society Visiting Professorship. Memorandum considered
8) Removal of Huygens and Newton relics for use at National Physical Laboratory
9) Representative of Royal Society to British Council: Science Advisory Committee
10) Staff pension scheme
11) Signing of sealed documents
12) Reports of committees and boards i) Scientific Publications Board ii) Newton Letters Committee iii) Publications in Chemistry Committee iv) Rutherford Memorial Committee v) Scientific Information Conference (USA 1958) Committee vi) Scientific Relief Committee vii) South Pacific Expedition Committee viii) Tropical Diseases Committee ix) Armourers and Brasiers' Company Research Fellowship Committee x) Warren Research Fund Committee xi) National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics xii) International Relations Committee
13) Sealing
14) Items of agenda drawn up in the form of minutes a) Biographical Memoir of Sir Alexander Gibb b) Commonwealth Bursaries Scheme (Nuffield Foundaiton to make further contributions) c) Officers to act on behalf of Council d) Treasurer's business
15) Bills for payment
16) Other business |