Description | Papers signed by Assistant Secretary, DC Martin.
1) Minutes confirmed
2) Deaths (Henry William Robinson, former librarian and Royal Society staff member, and Max Theodor Felix van Laue)
3) Arising from previous minutes: a) Grant application from Professor DMS Watson for assistant Miss Townsend b) Academia Sinica Peking delegation to the UK c) Report from Sir Ewart Smith and Sir Howard Florey on the Indian Science Congress d) Scientific Research in the UK report considered to submission to the Minister for Science e) Wolfson Professorship, offer to Dorothy Hodgkin f) Vacancies amongst the officers, Sir Howard Florey and Sir Alexander Fleck g) Physics Sectional Committee
4) Royal Society (RS) Visiting Professorship, nominations considered
5) Scientific Investigations Grant-in-Aid, limit of grant raised
6) Travelling expenses
7) Request for donation to Tulloch Memorial Prize Fund
8) Report by Lord Adrian on visit to Czechoslovakia
10) Representative of RS to Isaac Newton Observatory management board
11) Sir Raymond Priestley, National Committee for Antarctic Research
12) Nomination of candidate to International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
13) Mace and Charter Book to be removed for use at the opening ceremony of the RS Tercentenary celebrations at the Royal Albert Hall
14) Reports of committees i) Biological Expeditions. Expedition to Noth Borneo approved in principle; committee to be set up to consider matter further ii) Finance Committee iii) Mathematical Tables Committee, publication of 'Indices and Primitive Roots' by AE Western and JCP Miller iv) Petavel Bequest Committee, upkeep of garden, grants v) Scientific Relief Committee, grant to A Karrer vi) South Pacific Expedition Committee report vii) Tercentenary Celebrations Committee report viii) National Committee for Biochemistry, delegates to Assembly in Moscow, grants ix) National Committee for the International Geophysical Year, grants to be paid, with names x) National Committee for Oceanic Research, report states the case for expansion in marine science and UK contribution to ICSU's SCOR for an International Indian Ocean Expedition
15) Sealing
16) Items of agenda raised as minutes: a) International Geophysical Year Grant-in-Aid, payment to Crown Agents b) International Geophysical Year, payments to Mr WH Bellchambers for results obtained at Halley Bay c) Jaffee Studentship, Dr Jennifer Wildy d) Admission of New Fellows (Dalitz, Dewar and Seshadri) e) National Committee for Space Research, representative of Post Office, CF Booth
17) Bills for payment
18) Bakerian lecture |