Description | Agenda:
1) Minutes
2) Deaths (Albert Cherbury David Rivett, Thomas Alan Stephenson)
3) Arising from previous minutes a) Grant to International Council of Scientific Unions (ICSU) b) Grant application from Professor DMS Watson c) Grant application from International Geographical Congress d) Rating of charities e) Institut d'Egypte, report by Kathleen Lonsdale on centenary celebrations f) Amendment of statutes g) Foreign memberships h) Report on foundation of International Union of Geological Sciences i) Lord Stopford reported as member Cruelty to Animals Act Advisory Committees, Royal Society to advise on filling the vacancy
4) Travelling expenses
5) Candidates for the Fellowship
6) Invitation to contribute to Robbins Committee on Higher Education
7) Invitation to Pro Helvetia Foundation
8) Invitation to appoint representative from Royal Society to board of Isaac Newton Observatory
9) Reports of committees i) Biological Research Committee ii) Gassiot Committee iii) John Murray Studentship Committee iv) Newton Letters Committee v) Scientific Relief Committee vi) Soiree Committee vii) National Committee for Astronomy viii) National Committee for Co-operation in Geophysics ix) National Committee for Geodesy and Geophysics x) National Committee for Geography xi) National Committee for History of Science xii) National Committee for Space Research
10) Items of agenda to become minutes a) Separates of the Society's publications b) Office accomodation c) Foulerton Research Professor (Professor AL Hodgkin) d) Biographical Memoir of le Duc de Broglie e) Committees f) Jaffe Studentship (Dr MJ Whelan) g) Grant to attend Pacific Science Congress h) Biology National Committee i) Space Research National Committee j) Locke Fellowship (Dr A Iggo) k) Royal Society research appointments. Funds for Jaffe Research Fellows to lecture abroad l) Invitation to attend Magagni bicentenary m) Admission of New Fellows
11) Bills for payment
12) Royal Society Professorship
13) Other business |