Description | Paper regarding the musa family of plants, discussing whether or not this family can be classified as trees. Garcin determines that they belong to the liliaceous family. English translation found at CLP/10ii/14. Description of the family of plants called oxyoïdes, published with this paper, found at CLP/10ii/12.
Subject: Botany
English translation published in Philosophical Transactions as part of paper titled 'Memoirs communicated by Mons. Garcin to Mons. St. Hyacinthe, F. R. S. containing a description of a new family of plants called oxyoïdes; some remarks on the family of plants called musa; and a description of the Hirudinella marina, or sea leach. Translated from the French, by Mr. John Martyn, F. R. S.'.
Read to the Royal Society on 14 May 1730. |