Description | The Council of the Royal Society met for the first time May 13 1663: there being present these person that Follow; lists The Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Mr Robert Boyle, Sir Gilbert Talbot, Mr William Aerskine, Mr Henry Slingsby, Dr John Wilkins, Dr George Ent, Dr Jonathan Goddard, Dr Timothy Clark, Mr William Balle, Mr John Evelyn, Mr Dudley Palmer, Mr Abraham Hill, Mr Henry Oldenburg.
The new Charter of the Society was read before them, wherein the members of the Councill were nominated as follows; Lord Brouncker President Sir Robert Moray Robert Boyle Esq William Brereton Esq. Sir Kenelme Digby Sir Paul Neile Sir Gilbret Talbot Henry Slingsby Esq Sir William Petty Dr Timothy Clark William Aerskine Esq Dr John Wilkins, Secretary Dr George Ent Dr Jonathan Goddard William Balle Esq Treasurer Matthew Wren Esq John Evelyn Esq Thomas Henshaw Esq Dudley Palmer Esq Abraham Hill Esq Henry Oldenburg Secretary
Members of the Council were sworn by the President, as were Mr Balle as Treasurer, and Dr Wilkins and Mr Oldenburg as Secretaries, and Mr Wicks as Clerk.
Ordered that the debate concerning those that are to be received and admitted into the Society be kept under secrecy.
Ordered that all those that have met hitherto as Fellows of the Royal Society on Wednesday in the afternoon shall be admitted to sit with the present Fellows of the Same, till further order.
The collecting of arrears being thought necessary an order was drawn up concerning it, which ordered that all persons that have been elected or admitted into the Royal Society, do pay their whole arrears until 13 May 1663 according to their subscription and that the Treasurer or Collector by him appointed do repair to every such person and demand the said arrears showing to him the order, together with the form of the subscription hereunto annexed. Signed by the President.
The form of the subscription states; 'Wee whose names are underwiritten, do consent and agreee, that we will meet together weekly (if not hindred by necessary Occasions) to consult and debate concerning the promoting of Experimental Learning. And that each of us will allow one shilling weekly, towards the defraying of occasional Charges: Provided that is any one or more of us, shall think fit at any time to withdraw, he or they shall, after notice thereof given to the Company at a Meeting, be freed from the Obligation for the future. '
Ordered that a short extract be made by Dr Goddard of the Heads of the Charter, for the use of the Councill. |