Description | Present at the Council: The President; Mr Henry Howard of Norfolk; Sir Robert Moray; Sir Paul Neile; Mr Aerskine; Dr Clark; Mr Colwall; Mr Hoskins; Dr Wren; Dr Croon; Dr Ball; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Voted that the Statute for meeting on Wednesdays be repealed.
Voted that the following draft for a Statute now agreed for supplying one or two vacant places of the Council be read at another meeting of the Council, ie. ' The Eleventh Article of the Eighth Chapter of the Statutes of the R. Society, concerning the Supplying Vacancies of places, which happen in the interval of Anniversary Elections, shall have place onely, where the number of persons to be Elected, by the Fellows of the said Society, into the Council or any Office, is three or more, and not other-wise. But when there are but one or two to be elected, upon credible notice given to the President or his Deputy for the time being, that any Member or Members of the Council, or Officer or Officers, who ought to be chosen by the Fellows of the R. Society, is or are dead or otherwise removed, and his or their place or places, Office or Offices, thereby become Void, He the said President or his Deputy as aforesaid, shall, at the weekly meeting of the R. Society, which shall be next after such notice, or so soon as conveniently it may be done, declare to all then and there present, that such Place or Places, Office or Offices, is or are become void and that at the weekly meeting then next ensuing, there shall be other or others elected, to supply the said vacant place or places, office or offices; and at the next weekly meeting after, where there shall one and twenty or more be present, Scrutators shall be chosen, as a Anniversary Elections, and every Fellow then present shall deliver to the Secretary, a Scrowle or paper folded up, having in it written the name or names of such person or person, as he who delivers the said Scrowle shall think most fit to supply the said vacant place or places, Office or Offices, and when all the Scrowles are delivered in, they shall be opened read and counted, and he or they, that is or are named by the greatest number, and such a number, as by the Charter is required, shall be declared elected to such Place or Places, Office or Offices: And if it happen, that no one person be elected, to succeed in one or both of the said vacant places or Offices, by a copetent number of Votes, as by the Charter is required, In such case the President or his Deputy as aforesaid shall declare, what persone have been named in the said Scrowles, and by how many each man has been named, and shall then require the Fellows then present, to repeat the Election in manner aforesaid, and that so aften as there shall remain any one of the said places or offices unsupplyed, for want of a competent number of Votes, after the giving in, reading and counting the Scrowles as aforesaid; unlesse the President or his Deputy and the Fellows of the R. Society, or the major part of them then present, shall think fit to adjourne the Election to some other time, and then they shall proceed in manner aforesaid. '
The President adjourned the Council to meet again on Thursday next at two of the clock in the afternoon, at Arundel House. |