Description | Lists those present at the Council; Lord Brouncher, Sir Robert Moray, Mr Brereton, Mr Aerskine, Mr Henshaw, Mr Balle, Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Oldenburg
At the Council's request, the President charged himself with checking the Treasurer's accounts.
Voted the sencond time; that in the Statute for making of Laws, be, between the words 'shall be' and 'whether', inserted in both places fo the said Statute, these Words, 'To this effect, videlicet'.
The Statute for weekly payments passed the second time, as previouly recorded on 13 July 1663.
The 2, 3, 4th and 5th Statutes of the 4th Chapter concerning the Ordinary Meetings of the Society, items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7th Statutes of the 6th Chapter concerning the Election and Admission of Fellows, passed the first time |