Description | Present at the Council: The President, Lord Brouncker; Earl of Sandwich; Sir Gilbert Talbot; Sir Robert Moray; Sir PAul Neile; Sir George Ent; Sir Theodore de Vaux; Dr Croon; Mr Henry Oldenburg
Ordered that Treasurer pay Mr Christopher Cox eight pounds for a great microscope which he made for the Royal Society.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay the Operator the arrears due to him for his yearly salary of ten pounds.
Ordered that the History of the Silkworm written in Latin by Signor Marcello Malpighi, and dedicated to the Royal Society, be printed forthwith by the printers of the Society, and that the author be notified of this order. [Wording of Order, in Latin, recorded. ]
Sir Robert Moray put forward a proposition, which he stated he had received from a Noble member of the Society concerning Chelsey - college [Chelsea College], that the person was willing to undertake the management of the house and land of the College, to employ it according to the design of the Society, in planting the ground with all sortso of choice vegetables, exotica and domestic,, and in repairing the house, all at his own expense, the Society remaining proprietors, with full powers of ordering and directing what they wanted. The proposer only expecting to be perpetual steward of that place.
Received as a noble proposition, and Sir Robert asked to use his interest with the Proposer to have this put in writing to prevent any mistake.
The Amanuensis was asked go to Dr Clark from the Council, and to ask him to deliver to him the paper of provisoes to be inserted in the Additional Patent, and to take it to the Solicitor of the Society to get it inserted accordingly. |