Description | Present at the Council: The President, Lord Brouncker; Lord Stafford; Mr Charles Howard; Sir John Lowther; Sir Paul Neile; Mr Abraham Hill; Me Daniel Colwall; Dr Jonathan Goddard; Dr Croon; Mr Samuel Pepys; Mr Lock; Mr Oldenburg
Mr Lock was sworn as a Member of the Council
The Secretary mentioned Dr Grew's desire to be informed whether the Society would further employ him in the Anatomy of Plants upon the former terms. Declared that the Council adn the Society approved of what he hd done hitherto, and teh Council would further recommend him to the Society to continue for another year if the subscribers would continue their contributions.
Sir Paul Neile represented to the Council the strange neglect of Chelsey College, and the reproaches falling on the Society, it was referred to Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Dr Croon and any others of the Council who had opportunity to discuss with the Surveyor General and others, about letting out the College for a certain term of years.
Ordered that Mr Hoskyns satisfy the Council about the nature of the land belonging to Chelsey College, namely whether it be Lammas-ground or not.
Sir Paul Neile moved again that considering the vast arrears due to the Society, the Fellows might by a legal tye be obliged to pay. Resolved that as good counsel as could be had should be achieved, as to whether the obligation already subscribed by the Fellows did not amount to such a legal tye. Lord Stafford offered to undertake enquiries of the best lawyers he knew, and report at the next Council meeting.
Lord Stafford's offer was accepted, and the Secretary ordered a copy to be made of the Obligation and also of the Statutes concerning the payments in general terms included in that Obligation, and to send the copy to Lord Stafford.
The Amanuensus was commanded to go to the Prerogative Court and copy out from the late Bishop of Chester's last will what his legacy to the Royal Society was.
The Council approved Mr Collins as Collector of the money due to the Royal Society.
The Council declared that in the absence of both President and Vice President at the public meetings, the Fellows there present shall nominate one of their number to take the chair. |