Description | Present at the Council: Lord Bishop of Salisbury in the Chair, Earl Marshall, Sir John Lowther, Sir Paul Neile, Mr Daniel Colwall, Mr Abraham Hill, Mr Henry Oldenburg
Ordered that The President, Sir John Lowther, Dr Goddard, Mr Hall and Mr Oldenburg or three of them whereof the President and Secretary Oldenburg are to be two to be a Committee for auditing the Treasury accounts and that they meet next Monday 17th of November at the President's house about 3 o'clock.
Ordered that the following Bond be shown by the Amanuensis to Mr le Hunt, and upon alteration if Mr le Hunt see cause, to have some copies made and sent by the Treasurer to be signed by those that presently have not paid their arrears in ready money. Also that such of the nobility who make use of this Bond to order their stewards to sign in their stead, shall have complied. [Wording of the Bond given in both Latin and English]
For want of time that part of the Order made at the late Council on 6 November which related to the legal tie to be subscribed for securing the weekly contributions for the future, to be deferred till after St Andrew's Day. |