
AltRefNopages 41-42
TitleMinutes of meeting
Date7 December 1663
DescriptionThe new Council met for the first time; present - Lord Brouncker, Lord Berkeley, Mr Charles Howard, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Sir Peter Wyche, Mr Aerskine, Mr Povey, Mr Balle, Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Dr Merett, Dr Whistler, Mr Colwall, Mr Hoskins, Mr Oldenburg

Lord Berkely and Mr Povey were sworn Members of the Council; the other eight new Membres of the Council having been sworn in on the Anniversary Election day.

There was debate as to whether the eleven members of the old Council should be sworn again, but after considering the words of the Charter, it was considered they did not need to be sworn again. However, the two secretaries elected again for another year were judged to be obliged by the words of the Charter to renew their Oath, which they did.

Ordered that the President, Sir Anthony Morgan, Mr Hill, Mr Colwall and one of the Secretaries, or any three or more of them (where the President and one of the Secretaries shall be two) be a Committee to examine Mr Balle's accounts from Midsummer to St Andrew's Day.

Following urther discussion of providing Experiments for his Majety's reception, and the need to appoint a person for carefully preparing them, it was voted that Mr Hook should be inviited to lodge in Gresham College for four days of the week,, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thrusdays, that a convenient lodging should be provided for him, and he be allowed twenty shillings a week for that time. Mr Hook was called in and the proposition was put to him, which he accepted.

Ordered that Mr Hook attend the Council every Monday to give them an account of the success of the experiment to be prepared for his Majesty's entertainment.

Voted that the experiments to be made on Wednesdays at the ordinary meetings fo the Society, be considered by the Council on Mondays whether they are fit and ready; also, that some considerable experiments be had in reserve for extraordinary occasions.

Ordered that Dr Merret, Dr Whistler and Mr Hoskins look over the Books of the Society where the experiments and other philosophical matters discussed at their meetings are recorded, together with their Journal Books; and consider which relate to and depend upon one another, as also whether they may be defective, and how further to be prosecuted.
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