Description | Present at the Council; Lord Brouncker, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Mr Aerskine, Dr Wilkins, Dr Whistler, Mr Palmer, Mr Hill, Mr Colwall, Mr Oldenburg
Ordered that any 3 or more of the Council that shall first meet next Wednesday at the usual time shall consider an Order to be drawn up and offered to this Council concerning the power that may be given to a Committee of the Council, to discuss and prepare matters concerning the Society until a quorum of the Council can be assembled.
Sir Paul Neile mentined that Sir Ellis Layton had some proposals to make for the benefit of the Society, but would confer first with a few members, and it was ordered that the President, Sir Robert Moray, Sir Paul Neile, Mr Aerskine and Dr Wilkins should meet Sir Ellis Layton and act in the name of the Council for the benefit of the Society, in such mattes that require secrecy and expedition.
It was moved 'that the king might be desired, by the President, Sir Robert Moray and Sir Paul Neile to give a Rule to the two Secretaries fo State, that all the proposals that shall be made concerning Mechanical Inventions be referred to the Council of the Society, to be by them Examined, whether they be new, true and usefull.'
Dr Wilkins reported on what the Committee for preparing experiments to receive the King had begun, that is dispatched the Artifical Eye; continued some Optical Pictures; devised how to cast a picture upon a wall in a light room; and moving that Dr Merret and Dr Whistler coulc be exhorted to meet constantly with the Committee.
Sir Robert Moray moved, 'that the Council would make it their business to get an interest in Chelsey-college, and to procure the reversion thereof.' It was ordered that the Buishop of Exeter , Dr Wilkins and Dr Pell should speak to the Archbishop of Canterbury asking for his consent to have the College applied to the use of the Society. Sir Robert Moray to make further enquiry by Mr Cole concerning the Forms of parting with the interest he has in it. |