Description | Present at Council; Dr Wilkins Vice-President, Sir Robert Moray, Mr Aerskine, Mr Balle, Mr Palmer, Dr Goddard, Mr Hill, Mr Colwall, Mr Oldenburg
Ordered that Dr Wilkins, Dr Goddard, Mr Ball, Mr Colwall, and the Secretary be a Committee to examine Mr Hill's accounts of the last quarter from Christmas to Our Lady Day in March
Ordered that the Secretary write to Monsieur Hevelius and offer him a print of Ulug-Beig, either in Persian and Latin both, or in Latin alone
Ordered that the Secretary write to Dr Wallis and ask him to find an occasion for proposing to Mr Hide to print Ulug-Beig in Latin only, without adding the Persian
A letter dated 13 April 1664 of Colonel Long's, written to the Secretary, was read, in which he proomises to send up his boxes with insects and other curiosities of nature, to be put among the rest of the things that are being prepared for his Majesty's reception
Ordered that the Secretary thank Colonel Long for his respects to the Council, and inform him that he shall have timely notice of the day when the king will visit the Society. Also to ask him, since he mentions shells lying over his vitriol pit, what kinds of shells they are, how thick and deep they lie, and what varieties of earth there are between the place where the shells lie, and the surface of the earth
Ordered that the Amanuensis handsomely write the Diploma for Mr Hevelius on parchment, and that Mr Simmonds be asked to attend the Council at its next meeting 'for taking off the Seal, and to have a Silver box ready to put the Seal in'.
Ordered that Mr Hook direct the making of the two-wheeled engine, and the Instrument for grinding of glass; and to bring in a description of the instrument to make wheels for watches and clocks. |