Description | Present: Sir John Hoskins; Mr Colwall; Mr Hill; Dr Wood; Mr Hook; Mr Aston; The President and Mr Packer came in.
Discussed Sir John Hoskins proposal concerning the purchase of the estate in Essex, including a descriptiont by Dr Wood, who was then asked to make further enquiries.
Discussede the List apgreed by Council on 9 August 1682 regarding members to be left out of the Treasurer's book and of the list of the Society. Ordered the 23 mentioned in the llist to be printed should be ' left out for the next Election, and out of the Treasurers Book for the future.
Moreover the Councell in Perusing the lists and finding many Fellows of the Society exempted from Payments in whole or in part either by Order promise or Intimation at their Admittance do conceave this way to have been prejudicial to their Affairs and a Discouragement to others who do dayly pay and considering that the reason of this Exemption was in Consideration that those Gentlemen were admitted for their great Abilities to be seviceable in their Experiments or otherwise to the Society and were therefore exempted from Payment. It is ordered that for the future no person shall be exempted from payment or left out of the Treasurers book except Forreiners. And if the members formerly exempted shall be pleased to bring in Experiments at their own Gharg they shall be considered by striking off their dues in Ballance to their Service and charge and not otherwise. Aand whereas the Society look upon themselves as Ghests to the Fellows of Gresham Colledg the Councell do not intend to charg them with payments. But (if they desire) to strike off their dues annually in Considertion of their kindness Though they hope also they will contribute their Labours and Studies.
Mr Colwal moved that the Bonds of such of the Society as were much in Arrear might be put in suit, which being debated. It was agreed and ordered that Mr Hook should find out the Bonds of Dr Whistler Dr Mills, Dr Allen and Dr Crone and speak to Mr Ballot totake care to put the same in suite. But before he was to do this It was ordered that Mr Hunt should attend upon each of them and acquaint them with this Order to see whether they will pay their repective dues without further trouble. '
Mr Colwall stated he would propose Mr Turner and Mr Pagit as Candidates at the meeting of the Society.
Mr Hook informed the Council that Mr Haak desired to propose Mr Arnoldus a Candidate. But ' the Consideration of this matter was respited till some further Regulation be concluded on by the Councell. ' |