Description | Present at the meeting: Sir John Hoskins Vice President; Mr Hill; Mr Southwwell; Dr Hooke; Dr Woodward; Dr Tyson; Mr Bembde; Dr Hutton; Mr Bridgman; Mr Foley; Mr Aglionby
' Sir John Hoskins acquainted the Council he had spoke to Mr Lilly who has undertaken the recovery of the arrears of the fee farme rents.
Mr hunt is to acquant Dr pope that the Society Expect he make good the two books lost in his Custody.
Mr Bembde said he had spoke to Mr Packer who promised next time he went into the Countrey he would look for some writeings relting to a fee farme Rent of the Societys due out of the Priory of Lewis in Sussex and would farther enquire from an attorney of his Grandfathers who had some of those writeings in his hands.
It was a Second time balloted and voted (according to the Statute) nemine Contradicente, that the Order of Councill which repeals the 2nd Statute Chap: 4 concerning the Presence of Strangers, should be null and void and the Statute to be of full force as formerly.
Mr Hunt was Ordered to take care to call in for the Books of the Library which lye out.
Mr Bridgman acquainted the Society that he has lately given My Lord Chancellor an Account of Proceedings of the Councill who approved thereof and was pleased to say that he should be allways ready by his Presence or otherwise to give all the encouragement he could to the Society.
Mr Bridgman was desired to return his Lordship the Thanks of the Society for this Expression of his Favor.
The Statutes relateing to the makeing Experiments were read, and the reviveing them was debated. And
It was unanimously agreed and Ordered by ballot That any Person who shall at a Meeting of the Society propose direct Experiment to be tryed, which they shall approve of and direct to be performed. That then upon makeing the same to the Satisfaction of the Society the necessary Charges shall be paid and the Person farther Gratifyed.
And this said Order to be communicated to the Society this afternoon.
Dr Sloan is desired to write to Mr Waller to send the Index of the Societys books.
Dr Woodward proposed to the Councill Mr Martin Bowes to be a fellow of the Society and it was balloted and voted Nem Contradicents. ' |