Description | Present at the meeting: Sir John Hoskins Vice President; Sir Robert Southwell; Mr Bemde; Dr Woodward; Mr Bridgman; Mr Byrd; Dr Hooke; Dr SLoane
' Dr Sloane reported that the Gentleen present last Council had most of them agreed to entertain the Society in their Turns on the late Orders of Council for bearing their Charges etc but some others desired they might have an Order to receive of the Treasurer £5 per annum.
Upon which it was proposed and agreed to by the Council
Mr Bridgman proposed Mr Benson to be a Member
Dr Sloane proposed Monsieur Boussiere and Dr Sylvester to be Members of the Society
Mr Benson, Dr Sylvester and Monsieur Bussiere were approved of as Members to be proposed to the Society.
It was desired theat Mr Hunt should Solicit the Expedition of the Affair of the Fee-Farme Rents by the Treasurers direction.
It was Ordered that the Vice President Mr Bridgman, Mr Hill, Dr Hook, Mr Byrd, Dr Woodward, Dr Sloane and any of the Council, or any three of them who pleases to come should be of the Committee to Consider of the new Statues of the Academy des Sciences at Paris and make an Extract of what they think necessary to be Established for the Society.
The Vice President was desired to Sign an Order to pay the ballance of Mr Smith the Booksellers Account being ten pounds, thirteen Shillings and Nine Pence.
Another, to the Operator for his half Years Salary ending the 14th January last for £20.
It was Ordered that no books be Lent out of the Library to any Person. ' |