Description | Present at the meeting: The president; Mr Waller; Mr Isted; Dr Sloane; Dr Harris; Dr Mead; Sir John Percival; Mr Pitfield; Mr Moreland; Dr Cockburn; Mr Clavel; Mr Hill; Mr Lowthorp
' The President reported, that he had with the Committee appointed for that purpose agreed for 1450 pounds for the two Houses in Crane - Court, mentioned in the last Minutes.
Dr Harris and Mr Clavel withdrew.
Mr Pitfield was Ordered to receive Sir Godfrey Copley's Legacy of 100 pounds; and the Society will be responsible to the Directions of Sir Godfrey's Will.
This was Ballotted for and carried, being Affirmatives all and no Negatives.
Ordered that Mr Pitfield pay five hundred and fifty pounds to Mr Brigstock and the Trustees of Dr Brown for the use of the Society towards the Purchase of the said Houses in Crane - Court.
This was Ballotted for, and all were Affirmatives.
Ordered that Mr Collier, who is ready to advance Nine hundred pounds, pay the same to the said Mr Brigstock for the purchase of the said Houses, and that he have a Mortgage of the Houses for the same with Interest at 6 per Cent. and that the Common Seal of the Society be affixed to the Deed of Mortgage.
This was Ballotted for, and all were Affirmatives.
The Common Seal was accordingly in Council affixed to the Mortgage after the Money was paid, viz: 550 pounds by Mr Pitfield, and 900 pounds by Mr Collier to Mr Brigstock and the Trustees, and that they had executed proper Conveyances.
The Common Seal was likewise affixed to a Bond to the said Mr Collier for the Performance of Covenants or Articles.
The Persons of the Council, who had not gone away, subscribed their Names on the Backsides of the Bond and Mortgage Deed. ' |