Description | present at the meeting: The President; Mr Waller; Dr Sloane; Mr Pitfield; Dr Mead; Dr Plumbtree; Dr Harwood; Mt Chamberlayne; Mr Wren
' Mr Cressener's Bond was ordered to be delivered up to Dr Plumbtree on hjis discharging his Arrears.
The Treasurer was ordered to pay two Guineas to Mr Wentworth for his trouble seeing the Execution of Discharges from the several Creditors of Dr Brown which were Incumbrances on the Houses in Crane - Court.
The Council ordered that Mr Hunt should have two Bonds given him for two Hundred thirty one pounds each which he lends the Society for taking off the Mortgage on the Houses in Crane Court.
Ordered likewise that the Treasurer Mr Pitfield discharge the Mortgage by paying Mr colliler Nine Hundred and Eighteen pounds, part of which is the Four hundred sixty two pounds above mentioned.
Mr Hunt was Ordered Twenty pounds for his Salary ending the 14th January 1710.
As also Twenty pounds was Ordered for Dr Thorpe's Salary due at Christmass last.
Mr Billingsley was ordered to be paid a Bill of four Guineas on account of writing the Statutes of the Society and on Vellum according to Order.
The Servant Thomas in the House at Crane Court demanding twenty pounds a Year since he has been in the Service of the Society till he be discharged his Attendance, The Councill agreed to pay him after the rate of twenty pounds per annum.
It was ordered that after next Meeting on Wednesday, the Weekly Meetings of the Society shall be on Thursdays at four a clock, with design that the President may be present, he being obliged to attend the Mint on Wednesdays.
Mr Collier gave a Receipt for the Nine hundred Pounds and Interest being the Mortgage Money; and the Common Seal of the Society was affixed to two Bonds to Mr Hunt of Two hundred thirty one pounds each at 6 per Cent. The Persons present writing their Names on the Backs of them.
Then the Common Seal, together with the Enroled Deed and Scrole of the Creditors Receipts, and several other Writings relating to the Houses in Crane Court were put into the Strong Box.
Dr Mead gave the Society thirty pounds towards bringing the Society out of Debt, for which he was thanked. ' |