Description | Present at the meeting: The President in the chair; Sir Thomas Crispe; Dr Keille; Dr Sloane; Sir Matthew Dudley; Robert Balle Esq.; Alex Pitfield Esq.; Mr Petiver; Mr Derham; Dr Pellet; Dr Mead; Dr Halley; Mr Waller
' Sir Matthew Dudley and Mr Deham were sworn of the Council of the Royal Society. Dr Keille, Dr Pellet and Sir Thomas Crispe and Mr Petiver having bin Sworn before, and Dr Halley Secretary on the Anniversary day of Elections. The Council then went upon the Consideration of the Gentlemen proposed the last meeting of the Society as Candidates and -
Charles Kinnaird Esq proposed by Dr Keille. Edmund Turner Esq of Lincolnshire proposed by Mr Holt. The Reverend Mr Willim Brattle Minister of the Church of Cambridge in New England, and John Leveret Esq President of Harvard College at Cambridge in New England both proposed by Mr Chamberlain were severally ballotted for and approved off as Gentlemen fitt to be Chosen of the Society.
After which the Council proceeded to the Choice of a Person in Mr Henry Hunt's Place some time since deceased . And after the Reading of the Petitions of Several Persons and due deliberations as to the Place of the Keeper of the House Repository and Library. It was Resolved That the House Keeper shall take care of the Society's House, that it be kept Clean Swept and washed as often as Shall be requisite. That the Same Person shall have the Care and Keeping of the Library and Repository, under Inspectors to be appointed by the Council of the Society with the Benefitt of shewing the Repository to any Persons that desire it. That he shall attend the Council and weekly meetings of the Society, and deliver out the Orders of the President and Council. That he shall assist the Treasurer in Collecting the Payments of the Fellows. That the Person who Shall be chosen, shall besides his yearly Salary be paid and gratified for any Extraordinary pains he shall take in making Catalogues of the Natural Rarity's in the Repository or of the Books in the Library to be Submitted nevertheless to the Orders and Determination of the Council of the Society as to the Quantum to be paid him for it.
It then being put to the ballot whether the yearly Salary of the Person so officiating besides the formentioned gratifications for Extraordinary Service should be £20 per annum.
It was carryed in the affirmative nemine Contradicente.
Then the Council proceeded to consider of the Clerks place. As to the Person to attend their meetings and Coppy such Papers, as the President shall order to be entered in the Books of the Society.
Resolved that the same person should officiate as Clerk who should be now Housekeeper, at least pro tempore.
And that he shall be paid for his Attendance on the meetings of the Society as Clerk til the Society shall Judge it convenient to appoint otherwise £10 per annum and be paid for the Coppying of any Minutes, Papers or Letters in the Books of the Society after the Rate of sixpence per page as the Statute in that case directs.
Mr Alban Thomas one of the Petitioners being called into Council, and being asked by the President whether he was willing to Serve the Society on the forementioned Terms and Conditions and upon his reply that he was willing and desirous to Serve the Society on the said Terms and Conditions.
It being them put to the ballot he was unanimously Chosen.
Ordered that Mr Thomas attend the Treasurer to receive his Orders for the Buying of Some necessary utensills for the house. ' |