Description | Present at the meeting: The President; Mr Pitfield Treasurer; Mr Balle; Mr Samuel Moreland; Mr Petiver; Dr John Deil; Dr Edward Halley, Secretary; Mr Burnet; Mr Waller, Secretary
' Mr Samuel Moreland and Mr William Burnet were sworn of the Council.
The Minutes of the last Council of the 7th of May being read, The Prsident Said that the Letter sometime since ordered to be sent to the Board of the Ordnance in Relation to the Royal Observatory at Greenwich had bin delivered and that he had bin informed, That the Said Board had written a Letter to the Lord Bolingbrooke Secretary of State, upon the subject of that Letter.
The Lord Bishop of Salisbury was pleased to present by Mr Burnet ten pounds being the second ten pounds since his Lordship was pleased make an Offer of presenting ten pounds a Year to the Society.
Mr Burnet was desired to return the thanks of the Council to his Lordship. The Council hoping this may prove a President [precedent] to the rest of the Noblemen to consider of their Arrears to the Society.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay off the workemen's Bills for the Repairs of the Society's House lett to Mr Hill and for making a new vault or sellar under the Court amounting in all to the Summe of £29.19.11d
Besides the twelve already paid to the Bricklayer.
All which orders to the Treasurer were signed by the President.
Mr Foulks, Mr Richard Rawlinson, Mr Vanignion and Mr Des Aguiliers were severally ballotted for, and approved of to be chosen Fellows of the Royal Society ;
Ordered, that provided the last Gentleman Mr DesAguilliers be Chosen by the Body of the Society ; In Consideration of his great usefullness to the Royal Society as Curator and Operator of Experiments he be excused from paying his Admission money Signing the Usual Bond and Obligation and paying the weekly Contributions.
Ordered that Mr Cheselden upon account of his usefulness to the Design of the Society, in communicating his Anatomical Discoverys be pro tempore excused from his weekly payments and Arrears.
Ordered that Mr Thomas get ready an Exact list of all the members in Arrear as to their Contributions that a proper method to procure the said Arrears may be considered of the next Council which was ordered by the President to be Summoned to meet on Tarsday [?] next being July the 22nd at three of the Clock in the afternoon. ' |