Description | Present: The President; Mr Balle; Mr Folkes; Dr Harwood; Mr Petiver; Sir Hans Sloane; Edmund Halley
' Mr Johannes Augustus Hugo his Majesties Physician in Germany was ballotted and approven for Election.
The President proposed to this Councell how to apply Mr Aston's late Benefaction to the use of the Secretarys for a Standing Salary.
Whereas Sir Godfrey Copley Bart. did by his will leave and bequeath to Hans Sloane Doctor in Physick and Abraham Hill of London Esq the Sum of one Hundred Pounds, in trust for the Royal Society of London for improving Natural Knowledge, to be laid out in Experiments or Otherwise for the Benefit thereof, as they Should direct and appoint; and whereas the Said Hundred pounds has been payed by the Honorable Sydney Wortley Montague and Dr Hans Sloane Executors of the said Will, to the Treasurer of the Said Society : And the Said Dr Sloane and Abraham Hill have proposed, that in consideration thereof the Royal Society Shall for ever cause one experiment or more, Such as the Society Shall appoint or approve to be made before them, at Some Meeting as Soon after the Anniversary Meeting; and Shall cause an exact discription of the said Experiments and of their respective design and uses to be made and read to the Said Society and to be Registered in their Books within Six Months after the making them. To all which the President and Councell of the Said Society do this day agree and undertake and order that the same Shall be perfomed in manner aforesaid. ' |