Description | Present; The President; Mr Burnet; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Petiver; Mr Balle; Dr Harwood; Mr Hill; Dr Edmund Halley
' Mr Hill having been pleased to present the Society with fifty pounds he had the thanks of this Councell. It was ordered that Mr Thomas pay it to the Treasurer and that he do with all convenient Speed lay out the Summ of five or Six hundred pounds for the Society's use either in the South Sea Stock or Bank or Lottery Annuities if so be it be not already don.
Ordered that Mr Thomas renew the Policys of Insurance on the two houses paying four pounds fourteen shillings and six pence half penny being the Demand of the Amicable Society for Seven years Insurance of Eleven Hundred pounds.
Ordered that Mr Frewin wait of Mr Minshull the Councell that made Dr Paget's Will, and give him a fee of two guineas and desire his Advice what may be proper for the Society to do in order to make Sure their title to Dr Pagett's Legacy.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay Mr Desaguliers Thirty pounds as a gratuity for making Experiments before them this current year 1717. ' |