Description | Present; Sir John Hoskins, President; Dr Holder; Sir Anthony Deane; Mr Evelyn; Mr Perry; Dr Slare; Mr Meredyth; Dr Grew; Mr Creed
' Minutes of last Councill read.
Dr Vincent and Mr Bayly were propounded in Order to their being elected Fellows and approved.
Resolved Mr Wallers Translation of the Florentine Experiment be licenced to be printed.
The Councell resolved that Mr Cramer be Clerke to the Society in Mr Weeks his place and be subject to the Directions of the Secretary's in the Service of the Society and have about £30 per Annum or as can be agreed. And that Mr Weeks be told his Attendance is of no further use.
Ordered that the Leiger and Journal Books of the Society be brought in a Boxe every meeting as by former Orders and be shut up when the President is in the Chair.
Ordered That A list of all the Papers and Books in the Secretary's Custody bee kept in the Treasurers Chest and be called over before two of the Councill at the beginning of the Secretarys entering upon their Office after Election.
Mr Hook acquainted the Councill that he intended to write an Historicall Account of the Experiments he has Shewed before the Royal Society together with a Declaration of the use and consectarys of each and an Idea of Naturall Philosophy built upon them. And desired that the Experiments not heretofore clearly made, or which were imperfectly entred may be repeated at the Society's charge which was ordered accordingly with this That the Meeting before any such experiment made he give the Society Notice that such as please may be present. ' |