Description | Present; Sir Cyril Wich, President; Sir John Hoskins; Sir R Redding; Dr Browne; Dr Tison; Dr Grew; Mr Lister; Mr Hill; Dr Plot; Mr Meredyth; Mr Flamsted; Mr Aston
' The council debating the Legality of holding a Councell without a Secretary ; caused the three preceding Councells to be read over, and made the following alterations;
Whereas November 27th One Cramer was chosen Clerk in Mr Weeks his place, that Election was declared void, because according to the Charter the Clerk ought to be chosen by the whole Society in the same manner as the Treasurer and Secretarys.
Orderd That the President, Sir John Hoskins, Mr Colwal, Mr Meredyth, and Mr Aston doe meet as a Committee for the speedy Auditing the Treasurers Accounts.
Mr Hook being sent for in, and required to deliver to the Secretary, the written Account of the Experiments made by him as Curator during the last half year, He promised to deliver the said Account to Mr Aston by Christmas Day.
The Councill also recommended to Mr Hook the Retrieving and delivering to be entered such other Experiments as had een made by him as Curator during the last 7 years.
Mr Hook when he makes an Experiment at the Societies charge, is to acquaint them with it the week before, and have their Consents. Some persons (if it be thought necessary) being appointed to be present at the making of the Experiment. ' |