Description | Present: Sir Hans Sloane, Vice President; Martin Folkes Esq; Mr Graham; Dr Jurin; Alexander Pitfeild Esq.; Mr Pound; Mr Machin
' Resolved that the Society (if there be occation) shall join with the College of Physicians to compell the Executors of the Lady Sadlers Will to assign to the purposes therein; and that the Society shall bear one fifth part of the Expence.
Ordered that the key of the Box containing the Writings or deeds for the Houses in Crane Court now in Mr Webbs hands be delivered to Mr Frewen or if that key be missing or lost That Mr Frewen may be impowered to gett a new one made.
Ordered That the Treasurer be impowered to proceed in Such Course as he shall think most proper to take in Order to recover the Arrears which are due from Mr Thomas the late House - keeper.
Mr Machin reported in the Name of the Committee of the Council for Auditing the Treasurers Accounts for the last year that they had examined the same and found the Ballance remaining due to the Society to be £273-0-6 in Money and £900 in Nine South Sea Bonds.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay the Sum of £100 to the two Secretary's that is the Sum of £50 to each as a Gratuity for the last Years Service.
Il Conte Giulo Carlo de Fagnani, Ralph Ord Esq., the Reverend Mr Gilbert Burnet, Mr Ward, and Mr Holloway were Separately put to the Ballot and approved for Candidates. ' |