Description | Present: The President; Lord Parker; Mr Pound; Dr Harwood; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Foles; Mr Jones; Dr Halley; Mr Watkins; Mr Brown; Dr Jurin; Mr Machin
' The Gentlemen Mr Schuster Junior and Mr Lister were proposed for Candidates, and being putt to the Ballott were approved.
Mr Frewin the Sollicitor attended with the Draft of a Petition to his Majesty to grant the Society his Licence to purchase or hold Lands etc in Mortmain which being read over the Same was agreed to with an Amendment that the following Words should be added: (not exceeding the Yearly Value of one Thousand pounds)
My Lord Parker Informed the Council that he had already Spoken to My Lord Chancellour about this affair and had obtained the promise of his Assistance in it.
The Council desired his Lordship to tender their thanks for this Special favour. And with his Lordships leave Mr Frewin was Ordered to Attend him with the Petition as soon as the Amendment shall be made.
Sir Hans Sloane represented the Case of some Services which had been done to the Society; whereupon it might not be improper to make some Suitable return. He mentioned the Obligations which the Society have to the memory of the late Mr Lewenhoek, for the great multitude of Curious Observations which he for a long time continued to Communicate during his life; And for the Valuable Legacy of his Microscopes set in Silver which he bequeathed at his death. Upon which considerations he moved the Council to consider of some way to oblige his Daughter by such a Present as might bear some Value in itself, and likewise serve as a Memorial of the Societys regard to his Services.
Another case was that of Mr Fahrenheit who had for some time past made it his Business to communicate the desctriptions of divers new Instruments by him Invented for making Experiments in Natural Philosophy. And whose constant attendance on the Socity seemed to require some sort of acknowledgment.
Which cases being considered it was first Resolved that in remembrance of the late Mr Lewenhoek his Daughter shall be presented with a plain silver Bowl having the Arms of the Society engraven upon it, and of such weight as may Amount to about the Value of Twenty pounds of Sterling and that Dr Jurin may have the Care of giving directions for such a peice of plate to be made .
It was next Resolved that Mr Fahrenheit be presented with the sum of ten Guineas, in consideration of the trouble he has been at in Attending upon the Society.
An Indenture between the Society and Mr Brawn relating to the Title Deeds of the Houses in Crane Court (which are by agreement Lodged in the Societys hands, under two keys, whereof the Society have one and Mr Brawn the other) was read and afterwards Sealed and Executed in the usual form. ' |