Description | Present; The president; Mr Gale; Sir Hans Sloane; Mr Graham; Dr HARwood; Mr Folkes; Mr Isted; Mr HAdley; Mr Buissiere; Mr Machini; Dr Jurin
' Ordered that Dr Thorpe have leave to Coppy a M.S. in the Norfolk Library No 60 or 62 relating to the Nunnery of Dartford.
Several Workmens bills for Work done to the Society's House were laid before the Council Viz. The Bricklayer's £5 - 14 - 10 Plaisterer's £1 - 0 - 06 Carpenter's £5 - 02 - 06 Painter's £0 - 08 - 00 Plumber's £0 - 13 - 08
These bills were Ordered to be paid by the Treasurer.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Mr Hauksbee his Sallery of £50 due the 11th of April 1725 as likewise £4 - 03 - 0 for Copying the Minutes of the Society and £4 - 06 - 0 for five Thermometers sent abroad pursuant to a former Order of Council .
Dr Teissier, Mr Theobalds and Mr De la Faye were balloted for and Approved.
The following Gentlemen were appointed on the part of the Council to Audit the Treasurers Account for the Present Year against St Andrews Day The President, one of the Secretarys, Mr Graham Dr Harwood and Mr Hadley
Ordered that the Treasurer pay to Dr Desguilliers £30 for his Service this present Year to St Andrew's Day next.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay £50 to each of the Secretaries for their Service from last St Andrews Day to St Andrews Day Next. ' |