Description | Present: Sir Hans Sloane Vice president; Dr Harwood; Governor Nicholson; Mr Bradley; Mr Pitfeild; Mr Folkes; Mr Brown; Dr Jurin; Mr Machin
' Two Gentlemen Mr Richard Graham and Mr Thomas White were each put to the Ballott and approved for Members.
Upon a Motion of the Treasurer the Services of the Officers for the Year ending at St Andrews Day 1726 were taken into Consideration, and thereupon it was Ordered that each Secretary be paid the Sum of fiftly Pounds.
That the Curator Dr Desaguilliers be paid the Sum of Thirty Pounds for his Services and Expences in performing and preparing the Experiments for this Year
A representation being made by the Vice President that the good Intention of Sir Godfrey Copley in his Legacy for Supporting the charge of an Annual Experiment being in danger of being defeated by the failure of Supplying such Experiments, which Evil might in all probablility be removed and the Said Legacy be rendered more benificial and usefull by a more publick Invitation and Encouragement. It was thereupon proposed and Resolved That an Extract of the Will relating to the Said Legacy Shall from time to time be published in an Advertisement in the Philosophical Transactions to invite Strangers or others to Offer and propose any new and usefull Experiment. ' |