Description | Present: Sir Hans Sloane, Bart. Vice President; Governor Nicholson; Mr Folkes; Mr Sloane; Mr Pitfeild; Dr Jurin
' Dr Holland, Dr Schamberg, William Billers Esq, Colonel Robinson were proposed to be Fellows were ballotted for and approved
Governor Nicholson, and Mr Sloane having been appointed Auditors of the Treasurer's Accompts on the part of the Council, made their Report, That the Ballance of those Accounts was £399 - 06 - 10 1/4 due to the Society.
Ordered, That the Right Honourable the Lord Paisley having made the Society a Present of a very fine and Valuable Loadstone, the thanks of the Council be Returned to his Lordship, That his Bond be delivered up, and no farther Contributions be demanded. ' |