Description | Present at the Council: Sir Christopher Wren President; Sir John Lowther; Mr Hill; Mr Aston; Mr Hook; Dr Croone; Dr Grew
A letter from Mr William Ball to Mr Hook concerning what his arrears are was read to the Society; ordered Ssir John Hoskins to tell him and to receive an answer concerning them (Mr Ball's Bond is dated 21 October 1676)
Mr Hook and Mr Aston to meet next Monday to make a Catalogue of Benefactors.
Mr Hill informed the Council that Dr Castle had paid his arrears and desired to take uop his bond; his bond was deliviered to Mr Hill to return to him.
The Bill for £1300 was delivered to Mr Hill and he was desired to have an Indorsemetn upon it, so that the money may be called in when the Society shall have occasion for it.
Concerning the report of Dr Mills' arrears; ordered mr Haughton to carry him a note of what is due, and acquaint him that he has bgiven his Bond for the payment, and that the Council have ordered the Bonds of all such as have not duly paid their dues to be forthwith put in suite.
Dr Croone was asked and he undertook to speak to Dr Cox in particular concerning his arrears due to the Society. After which Mr Haughton was asked to call upon him for the same.
Mr Hook was desired to inquire of Mr Colgrave how the arrears of the Marquess of Dorchester might be obtained from the Lady Grace. |