Description | Present at the meeting; Lord Carbery, President; Sir John Hoskins; Mr Henshaw; Dr Slare; Dr Pitts; Dr Tyson; Mr Herbert; Sir Cyrill Wyche; Mr Waller; Mr Hill; Mr Hasines; Mr Perry
' The president was pleased to sign an order for the delivery of a piece of plate of sixty pounds to Mr William Musgrave being a gratuity given him by an order of Councell of December 16th 1685
Ordered that Mr Aston, in consideration that his gratuity of 60 pounds hath been two years unpaid ; and that for two years of the time since he was last excused his Weekly Payments by an order of Councell of November 21st 1683, he was Secretary to the Societie; be further exempted from the said Payments till Michaaelmass last past.
Mr Perry, Dr Pitt and Dr Slare were sworn of the Councell.
A Motion bbeing made that it was convenient tht the Royall Societies stock in the East Indie Company should be transferred from Sir John Lawrence's Name , to some other Gentlemans of that Company, Member of the Societie. It was ordered that Sir Jeremy Sambrook should be desired to take it,and that a letter be written to Sir John Lawrence about it.
Ordered that Mr Papin have a present of 4 books of Fishes and a Letter of Testimoniall, under the seal of the Society, of the good services rendred them by him.
Dr Grews Index to the Rarities in the Repository was referred to Mr Waller, Mr Perry, Dr Tison, Dr Pitts, Dr Slare as a Committee to inspect and report it.
Mr John Woichard Valvasor of Carniola was proposed Candidate to the Councell, and approved for Election.
Ordered that the Treasurer pay Mr Hook 37 pounds and 10 shillings as a further gratuity and in full of all demands since the last order of November 29th past.
Mr Herbert was sworn of the Councell. ' |