Description | Present at a Council. The President. Lord Charles Cavendish; Mr Jones; Mr West; Dr Jurin; Mr George Graham; Mr Gill; The Earl of Abercorn; Mr Davall; Mr Machin
The President communicated and read a Paper intitled : An account of a Comparison lately made by some Gentlemen of the Royal Society, of the Standard of a Yard, and the several Weights lately made for their Use, with the Original Standards of Measures and Weights in the Exchequer, and some others kept for publick Use at Guild-hall, Fonders Hall, the Tower, etc.
The Council presented their thanks to the President for the communicatin of this usefull Account : and Ordered that the same should be printed, and that a dozen Copies thereof should be presented in the name of the Society to the Officers who in the several Offices with great civility readily furnished all the necessary means for making the said examination.
It beinig represented that the Solilcitor coulc not yet come at the Papers of thed late Mr Frewin, in order to search for the original Deed of the Fee-farm Rent at Lewis in Sussex ; Mr Hauksbee was ordered to speak to the Solicitor to return the Copy thereof, which was lately given him.
It being represented tht the Plumber would not agree to allow those small abatements, which were made to his Bill according to Mr Gill' assesment : the whole Bill amounting to £5.7.4 1/4 [Five poinds, seven shillings, four pence and a farthing] was thereupon ordered to be paid.
Three Bills amounting to the Sum of £34.16.7 that is to say : Mr Tyler's Bill of -----£3.12.7 The Printer's Bill of -----£6.4.0 Mr Hauksbee's Bill for half a year's Salary to Aprill 11 1723-----£25.0.0 were all together put to the Ballot, and Ordered to be paid.
It was Ordered that the Solicitor be directed to write to all such MEmbers in arrear, who have not returned any answer to Mr Hauksbee's Letter.
It was likewise Ordered that the Solicitor be directed not to defer putting the Bonds of Mr Strachey and Mr Swinton in suit.
Ordered tht there be a Committee appointed to inspect the Library, and to give such proper directions as are necessary for the compleating the Catalogue thereof : and that it do consist of such Members of the Council as are pleased to give their attendance. And that the first meeting therof be appointed for Monday sevennight at ten in the morning, to be adjourned from time to time. And it being represented that the Index of the Papers begun by Doctor Stack was not yet brought up and completed to the present time; the {President desired tht the same maight be put into his hands, in order to have it made perfect : which was accordingly Ordered.
Ordered that during the Vacation the Pavement in the yard behind the house be repaired ; and that the Norfolk Library Room be white-washed : and that Mr Gill e desired to favour the Society with his assistance in giving the proper directions relating thereto.
Mr West representing tht tit wasd necessary to examine some of the Leases, to see whether the times were not expired; but one of the Keys being wanting to open the Box : it was Ordered to be done next Thursday, and to be entered at the foot of these Minutes of Council.
Accoredingly June 16 . 1743 . there was taken out of the Strong Box : The Society's Lease to Mr Blackden for a house in Coleman STreet, dated October 29 . 1734 . The Counterpart of William Pannet's Lease to Roger Life on the Estte at Acton, dated October 12 . 1730 . Which were given to theTreasurer. |