Description | Present at a Council. The President. The Earl of Abercorn. Mr West. Dr Davall. Mr Jones. Mr Gill. Mr Mitchell. Dr Mortimer, Mr Machin.
It was put to the Ballot, whether Moses Da Costa Esq shall have liberty to take up his Bond, and be freed from future Contributions, upon making up his former Payments to the Sum of twenty five Pounds ; in consideratin of his having been out of Town, and not hearing of the final Order to put a Stop to all futuree Compositions : which passing in the affirmative, his Bond was ordered to be given up upon the Payment of the said Sum.
A Messenger from Mr Tyler informed the Council that he is not able to proceed against Mr Swinton, to put his Bond in Suit according to the directions given : by reason that he being of Magdalen College is under the Jurisdiction of the Vice Chancellor.
He further said, that Mr Tyler desired to inform the Council, that he has made what Search he can to find the Original Deed of the Fee-Farm Rent at Lewis upont Enquiry after the Papers of the late Mr Frewin : but has not been able to come at it. Thereupon the Council directed the Person to desire Mr Tyler to return back the Copy of the Deed. The President represented to the Council the state of the Library below Stairs, and the necessity there is of being at some charge to fit up in a more advantageous manner, for the better Preservation and Security of the Books. Whereupon it was Ordered that the Committee for the Library be impowered to give such directions for the making such Alterations and Improvements, as in their Discretion shall seem most proper to be done. |