Description | At a Council ; Present The President The Earl of Macclesfiedl; William Jones Esq; Lord Charles Cavendish; Charles Taylor Esq; Nicholas Mann Esq; Dr Thomas Wilbraham; John Hamilton Esq; Mr Henry Baker; Mr John Ward; Richard Graham Esq; Dr Mortimer
Mr Ward, Mr Taylor and Dr Wilbraham, were Sworn of the Council.
The President informed the Council, That whereas there had been a Benefaction of £100 South Sea Annuities Sometime Established, for the preaching of an Annual Sermon on a Subject of Naturakl Knowledge, formed partly out of a Legacy of £25 left for that purpose by Mr Fairchild, in his Will ; and partly out of other Monies raised by Subscription ; The two present Trustees, of the Said benefaction, Mr Archdeacon Denn, D.D. and Cornelius Wittenoon Esq, were willling and desirous to invest the Society with the charge of the Said Trust, after their death ; if the Society would think kfit to accept of it; To which end a Deed or Instrument, in declaration of the Said Trust, having been put into his hands, if the Council were pleased he would read it to them.
Which Deed being accordingly read, the Council approved thereof, and consenting to accept of the Trust, desired the President to return the Societies thanks to the two Trustees, |