Description | Present at a Council The President Lord Charles Cavendish; Reverend Thomas Birch MA; Robert Paul Esq; Mr John Ellicott; William Sotheby Esq; James Jurin MD; William Jones Esq; William Battie MD; Thomas White Esq; Cromwell Mortimer Secretary.
Dr Battie was Sworn of the Council
The Minutes of the Council on the 30th of November last 1746, were read.
Mr Hauksbee informed the Gentlemen that Mr Pestill the Societys tenant in Coleman Street, had given worning to leave his house at Michaelmas next, by reason of the repairs wanting to be done to the Same : which Still continues in a bad condition notwithstanding the large Sum laid out by the Society about three years Since. Whereupon it was Ordered that Mr Hauksbee should enquire into the present condition of the Said House, That he should what mr pestill insists upon to induce him to continute in the Same : and that in case of any thing considerable to be done to the House, he should desire the favour of Mr Horne to looik at it, and to oblige the Society with his opinion, what may be necessary and proper to be done.
The following bills were laid before the Council and Ordered to be paid. Viz. Mr Roberts the printers bill .....£5.8.0 Mr Theobald's bill for firewood ..........£2.11.0 Mr Hauksbee's bill for half a years Salary due April 11, 1747 ...£25.0.0
The president having represented to the Council that the Reverend Mr Durand a fillow of he Society, hoped for Some favour in the article of his Contributions by reason of Some Misfortunes that had impaired his circumstances, it was Ordered that his Arrears now due should be remitted, and that no further demand should be made upon him, without Orders from the Counicl.
Proceedings were also Ordered to be Suspended against the Reverend Mr Stehelin, as to his Contributions, by reasdon of the ill Stte of his affairs.
The president then moved that the Reverend Mr Bliss Savilian Professor of Geometry at Oxford, applying himself with great diligence to the promoting of Philosklphy and Experimental knowledge in that University, might as a token of the Society's Esteam be excused from Contributions to the Same, as other Professors for Mathematicks and Astronnomy in the Universitys had before commonly been ; The Council unanimously agreed to the motion : and ordered that his Bond should be delivered up to him, with the compliments of the Society. |