Description | Present at a Council The President Peter Davall Esq; Robert Paul Esq; William Jones Esq; Thomas Birch MA; Mr John Ellicott; Thomas White Esq; William Battie MD; Cromwell Mortimer M D secretary
Mr Davall was Sworn of the Council.
The minutes of the last Council on the 6th of May were rear ; after which Mr Hauksbee was called n who acquainted the board, that Mr Pestall the Societys tenant in Coleman Street, notwithstanding his warning still continued in their House, without renewing his former Notice.
He also reported that Mr Hopson the Socitys other tehnant in the Same Street, weas dead Since the last Council but that his Widow by hier own desire Still continued in the House.
He further acquainted the Council, that He apprehended the Society was aggrieved in the Poors Tax to the Parish of St Brides charged upon them, which is now £15 a year, besides a large reasscessment for the last Quarter. Whereupon He was directed to enquire about the most proper method of applying for redress, in Case the Same can any way be obtained.
Ordered, that the Sum of Sixty pounds be paid to each of the two Secretaries for their Services, during the last year.
After which the President propsed, that a further Gratuity of ten Guineas might be presented to each of the Said Gentlemen, which being agreed to was also Ordered to be paid.
Ordered also that Mr Zollman the foreign Secretary be paid his usual Salary of twenty Pounds.
The President then acquainted the Council, that having with Several Members of the Society, been present during the recess, at several very Curious and valuable Electrical Experiments, made at the new Bridge at Westminster, at Stoke Newington, and at Shooters Hill, the result of which has been already communicated to the Society by Mr Watson : the Said Experiments had been attended with Some necessary expence, which he had judged it for the Service of the Society to defray. And that He had accordingly paid on the Said account the Sum of ten pounds five Shillings and six pence, in which was included the prime cost of the wire used in the Same Experiment. Upon which the Council Ordered their thanks to the Gentlemen who had attended the Same, and that the above mentioned £10.5.6 should be paid to the President together with the further Sum of £3.2.0 disbursed by him this year in Several small excpencesd for the Service of the Society.
Mr Hauksbee's bill including his half years Salary due the 11th of October last, together with the charge of copying the Minutes etc and Several other Small expences , making together £40.8.0 was ordered to be paid; as was also Mr Gwyn the Carpenter's bill amounting to £3.8.10.
After this the President signed warrants to the Treasurer, for all the Said several payments.
The President then proposed the Right Honourable the Lord Charles Cavendish, William Jones Esq, and the Reverend Mr Thomas Birch, who were approved by the Council, to be joyned to the President and one of the Secretaries, as Auditors of the Treasurers accounts for the year last past.
The president then acquainted the board that Sir Hans Sloane as Surviving Executor of the late Sir Godfrey Copley had this year recommended Dr Gowin Knight of the Society, for the Annual Prize Medal bestowed in consequence of Sir Godfrey's Benefaction. and the Same being approved, the Several keys of the Iron Chest kept by the President, the Treasurer and one of the Secretaries, were produced, and a gold medal being the last but one remaining in the Chest, was taken out and delivered to the President to be Engraved, and presented on St Andrews day according to Annual Custom.
When the Box weas opened some of the Gentlemen present were desirous to See the Dies cut by Mr Tanner for the Society, which were observed to have been injudiciously packed up with Cotton, which being become damp had rusted the Same. Whereupon it was thought proper to deliver them to Mr Ellicott, with a desire that he would cause them to be cleaned and packed up in a Safer manner ; which he was so kind as to undertake.
The President submitted it to the Council, whether as Mr Turbeville Needham lately chosen a member of the Society, is now abroad and like to continue so probably for Several years, and as he has been and is form time to time Serviceable by his accounts of what passes in the Philosophical way ; it might not be reasonable to Shew him Some favour in the Article of his contributions. Whereupon it was ordered that Mr Needham sdhall have his name printed without paying his Admission Fee, or giving Bond to the Society.
The President then reported an Account of the Arrears Still due from the Heirs and Executors of several Members of the Society deceased since the Year 1730, which account was first Stated by order of Council on the 14th day of January 1740 and has been occationally continued from time to time. He said that Several Arrears mentioned in the Said account had been from time to time got in and accounted for to the Society ; but that it had appeared that several persons named therein were either dead insolvent or that their Executors could not be found, or would not without more trouble than the debts deserved be induced to discharge the Same. Whereupon he desired that the Council would hear the Said List read over, and give their directions for the Expunging from it, the names of Such persons whose Arrears they should look upon as desperate, or not worth the further prosecution of.
Upon which the Council did accordingly take the same into consideration, and order the following Names to be cancelled in the Account of the Arrears due from Members deceased, Viz. Robert Mather Esq deceased in 1730. Mr John Dobyns and West Trenton Esq in 1731. Richard Beard MD and Mr William East in 1734. Henry Day Esq in 1740. Mr William Walker and Thomas Lodyard Esq in 1743. James Graeme MD and Francis Chute Esq in 1744. and Robert Bankes MD in 1746.
And it was Ordered that proper means be used to get in as much as may be of the Arrears due from the other Gentlemen still continued on this Account.