Description | Present: The President [Sir Hans Sloane]; Mr Sloane; Mr Hadley; Mr Folkes; Dr Teissier; Mr Theobald; Mr Gale; Mr Eames; Dr Rutty; Mr Machin
' The President Reported the Several answers of the Members in Arrear contained in his List.
He also offered his Opinion that it would be for the Interest of the Society to compound for the Contributions with Such Members as are willing for a Certain Sum. Which being agreed to,
He proposed That the Terms of composition Should be taken into consideration at the next meeting of the Council.
Ordered That Each of the Secretaries be paid the Sum of £50 for the last years Service ending at St Andrews Day.
Ordered that Dr Desaguilliers be paid the Sum of £35 for his trouble and Expences in making the Experiments for the last year ending on St Andrews Day including that on Sir Godfrey Copleys foundation.
Dr Oliver, Mr Walker, Mr Miller, and Mr Godfrey were Severally put to the Ballot and Elected Candidates.
The Treasurer reported That He had a Receipt from the President for the Copies of the Books delivered to him by Mr Hauksbee by order of Council which Receipt was as follows; January 7th 1729 Received Then of the Secretaries of the Royal Society by the hands of Mr Francis Hauksbee the following Books belongong to the Royal Society. Viz. Copies of the Journal Books of the Royal Society in Twelve Volumes Copies of the Register Books in Eight Volumes Copies of the Letter Books of the Royal Society in fourteen Volumes All which were delivered to me by order of Council of the Said Society and which I promise to keep in My Custody as Safe as possible and to deliver them back by Order of the Council of the Royal Society upon demand. [Signed] Hans Sloane
The Said Receipt being read it was ordered that the Same be laid up in the Strong Box. ' |